Wind turbines are so cool. Recently droves past some and
theirthey’re fun to look at.Some of the conservative psychopaths are so adamant against them because they are “too big”, or think they make noise? Like do these idiots think that the turbines make wind???
Honestly even some environmentalists over here are against wind turbines because they say they are “unnatural” and as such they shouldn’t have a place in woods and natural landscapes.
So at this point I’m starting to think we’re doomed and fuck everything
Some valid critique against them is that the noise they make, make it difficult for people to live near them, or that they scare off the wild life population due to their noise. However, I wonder how much wild life will be destroyed when the earth ultimately explodes due to the use of other energy sources
Yeah, just think about what would happen to the wild life population, if men just build unnatural constructions all over the world that destroys existing nature and around them there would be strange noise like from tools that are burning fossil fuel to create small explosions just to move something.
What noise? I was in a rural area taking this photo of one and even then, this close you had to listen carefully to hear anything:
You know how we tend to lose hearing on some frequencies as we grow older? It’s the same thing here basically, wind turbines are known to produce low frequency infrasound, which some people (but probably most won’t) hear. It’s doesn’t seem perfectly clear how these sounds affect wild life. From a quick Google search on “wind turbines effects on wild life” I found an abundance of scientific articles touching on this topic
I guess all the cows in the paddock right next to them were immune?
I’m not here to win an argument, but not knowing how infrasound from wind turbines affect wild life should be considered valid critique. Noise is not always high volume sounds, it’s disturbing sounds at any frequency regardless if we or cows in a paddock can hear the noise or not
I’m always wondering about that. I have never been close to one, so i don’t know whatkind of noise they make and how loud it actually is. But in videos where people are next to it, it never picks up anything. Saying they are unnatural is just absurd, just look around what we did to this planet, non of it is “natural”. If these assholes find a better solution, they can start complaining
I actually think they’re quite pretty. And they’re not very loud even standing under one.
Morons. I saw some on the weekend and drove as close as I could get to them to check it out. I was within getting messed up range if a blade came off and I could barely even hear it. This was rural with zero background noise as well. It’s almost like the complainers have never seen one in person.
Here is a pic of how close I was:
No, but they cast shadows and people don’t flickering shadows in their homes.
I agree, they’re fun to look at.
There so cool
I’m convinced, I know where some are nearby so I’m going to head over they’re soon and check them out.
This is the kind of content I’m here to read.
I drove by a bunch of them last week. One was perfectly aligned with the road I was on until the horizon. When I got closer the road actually turned before getting close to it. It was mesmerizing. I would love to see wind turbines from my home.
I still want to scream “look windturbines” in the train but i sever manage to drive with those i would be comfortable doing it with my adulthood
Yea, too they look amazing I don’t get the ugly argument
I never understood how wind turbines “ruin the view”. They look sick af, eat shit
They are different from what people are used to and they are what their perceived enemy likes so they hate it. Easy and very unfortunate.
Yeah, we recently drove through Ottawa in Canada and there were wind turbines everywhere. We loved it. They’re beautiful.
I think one of the main complains are the shadows of the blades. Imagine your whole house or office flickering for half the day. Thats why they are build further away from buildings.
So how is that the main complaint if it never affects anyone?
Because we plan ahead and build them further away.
I think the point they are trying to make is “how is it a problem people complain about if we thought ahead and stopped it from happening to begin with?”.
Yeah, I got nothing for that one chief.
I once visited a wind turbine assembly hall where they had a huge turbine standing right outside, casting blade shadows every few seconds. They said you stop noticing them after the third day.
Yes, they were all in rural areas. Which is fine. That’s why we have transmission lines.
IMO they look pretty ugly and visually mar the landscape. They do so less than power plants and pollution and are a necessary evil for modern society to function. They look cool because of what they stand for and because they are novel (and because they’re new and clean, generally).
I do worry about what will happen when they are decommissioned, as there are currently no ways to recycle the blades due to the way they are manufactured.
Depends on the type, vertical spinning ones can be pretty short and look neat, like a bunch of alien pinwheel toys.
I live near a ton of them, they’re pretty cool. Unfortunately, I also live near a ton of idiots that want to get rid of them because they saw a picture of a dead bird and a single turbine that broke once on facebook and are convinced that they’re all useless.
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Nevermind, that I can’t drive more than 5 miles before seeing several dead animals hit by cars or a deer carcass blown to pieces by a semi truck, but no one seems to be bothered by that but me. I see more dead animals in a day in Iowa than I saw in nearly 25 years of living in Washington.
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Wind turbines are one of the few good things we have going for us. To stop us from killing ourselves. I could elaborate on this but what’s the point when you don’t already know this.
It’s such a weird time to start giving a fuck about birds considering conservatives don’t care about wildlife or the environment they live in at all.
We need to build some more of those giant fans to blow away that smog
MY Ferd Canyonero XLT lariat can’t protect the fetuses if there are windmills ruining my view! You… don’t want the communists to win do you??? Why do you hate America and therefore all christians???
Fun thing you say that, one of my local attractions is a windmill park. Granted it’s on top of a gorgeous mountain range so I can see it from just outside of my house
Is that Sydney?
I’m fairly certain that’s forest fires
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It’s either from the fires or the time that dust storm blanketed the east coast. That was crazy.