There’s always a relevant xkcd:
(actually quite a few in this case…)
“I am totally unappreciated in my time. You can run this whole park from this room with minimal staff for up to three days. You think that kind of automation is easy? Or cheap? You know anybody who can network eight connection machines and debug 2 million lines of code for what I bid for this job? Because if he can I’d like to see him try.”
Plausibility Level: 5/10 Gibsons. Classic overweight, underappreciated IT guy…who runs and is secretly stealing from an island full of deadly reanimated dinosaurs.
This is aunix system I know this
UNIX-like system.
I thought it was irix running that silly 3D file system viewer. So it was a registered Unix compliant system.
He must’ve learnt C. Now if only he’d learnt Rust, he would’ve been safe and had a blazingly fast🚀 escape
And being eaten by a motherfucking velociraptor in a mfin electric substation, coders are weak to dino sadly.
Oh, Mr. Arnold.
(geting eaten by dinosaur) At least i dont half to code javascript anymore!!!
It’s true. The odds increase several times.
I just chain smoke on my 286
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Increases your risk of becoming a fat arse too