This was a fun little kitbash/print. Everything is 3d printed.
I will never see something as great as this again. Thank you kind person. Fantastic job! How long did that take you?
Wouldn’t happen to have links to the STLs used? Friend just started talking about selling kidneys and I could use a third.
There was quite a lot of little STLs involved, but here are most of the links: <-- for the drummer. I digitally kitbashed those onto some geargutz mekshop arms <-- this is a great design with a ton of customization options The drummer is a Geargutz rider STL I got last year. I’m not sure if it’s available on his store but here is a close link
I love it. Orks and the Mad Max “doof wagon” aesthetic are such a perfect combo.
If anyone needs further inspiration, check out Mad Meks: Da Fury Road.
Holy smokes that is soooo cool! It looks like the person did it with all official models too. Thanks for sharing that!
The Waaaghon?
Rock on, you magnificent bastard.