Terminally online insomniac code monkey from burgerland. Deeply unserious person.
I use .NET for my job. My team shifted to a lot of frontend work with react for about a year when the lastest .NET was .NET 5. Barely a year later after not touching it the latest version was .NET 7. Ridiculous.
I’m just happy when I can meet semi regularly with a group for a campaign.
Literally me fr fr
What the fuck is a modulo? Is it some kind of npm package?
Works on the default web UI.
This, but with not making unit tests instead of global variables.
No, it was a trick question. The test taker was supposed to pick up on that.
I was lucky enough to figure out that it was a trick question, but I second guessed every answer I put on tests and homework for that professor ever since.
I took a test once where one of the questions was to solve the tower of hanoi with 2 pegs and 3 disks.
You can use it from the default web UI in a pinch.
It does have a crosspost feature, although it might not be supported in the client OP uses.
What is the base case for this?
Anti tankie propaganda is fascist apologia.
I think that top level domain was free. So a little column A, a little column B.
KBin is written in PHP? Oof.
How dare the lemmy devs believe in reality instead of US State Department propaganda!
So true! They even deny that Iraq had WMDs and that they were chucking babies out of incubators. Monsters.
It’s been way too long since I last saw a Dolan meme in the wild.