I’m so fucking disappointed. i’ve been excited for this game for so long, then this happens.
Now i might not even get to play it. Hooray for Saudi 🙄
I’m so fucking disappointed. i’ve been excited for this game for so long, then this happens.
Now i might not even get to play it. Hooray for Saudi 🙄
True. This isn’t a moral issue, they will not earn money from me either way since i cannot buy the game here, and I still will pirate it if the ban goes through (it most likely will) but i lose out on stuff like achievements and ease of downloading etc. So it’s mainly unnecessary inconvenience
At this point my best bet is to pray they either remove the scene or KSA just turns a blind eye.
I do hope you get to play and enjoy the game, but no way should the developer compromise on their vision of the game just to comply with a fucked-up morality regulation.
Yeah sorry, i don’t agree at all with it due to me being much more progressive than others here, but a shit ton of stuff is banned here and KCD would be the last straw for me :(
I feel for you OP, I hope we all get to live in the more accepting world we deserve someday.
Apologies as well if my previous comment also sounds a bit unsympathetic, which was not my intention but it does to me on a re-read. I’m sure there’s a lot more discomfort that comes with living under these kinds of rules than just what games you are or aren’t allowed to play that I did not give enough consideration to.
Thank you, and it’s no problem.
You are right that there is more discomfort to me than just games (god i miss wolfenstein too 😭) But i will be fine.
I’ll see about pirating the game.