Then it’s a win for conservatives. They burn dollars, we get pennies. And he has to scrounge up the billions needed for his mass deportation scheme which would probably impact labor for some of the projects so another win. No bitching about a missing labor force due to mass deportations.
Big double awesome bacon cheeseburger AR15 American flag win for conservatives…^if ^you ^squint ^really ^hard.
Isn’t this just going to impact the US credit rating, leading to higher borrowing costs and enormous inflation spikes?
I’m having trouble seeing this as anything other than burning dollars to look for pennies.
Oh, and taking over Congress’ role over the U.S. Government pursestrings.
Then it’s a win for conservatives. They burn dollars, we get pennies. And he has to scrounge up the billions needed for his mass deportation scheme which would probably impact labor for some of the projects so another win. No bitching about a missing labor force due to mass deportations.
Big double awesome bacon cheeseburger AR15 American flag win for conservatives…^if ^you ^squint ^really ^hard.