I’ve been really enjoying my time here lately and I have noticed things.

  1. discussions are more chill. On Reddit people would get into flame wars over things and here while it happens it’s not as bad, and I actually enjoy spending time here.

  2. people are nicer.

  3. moderation is amazing.

  4. diversity in thoughts is also amazing.


Image is made by me, please credit me if you use it. Other than that, it’s on a ‘do what you fucking want’ license. Meaning, have fun and do what you want with it, I’m not your mom!

    • @throwawayforratings
      11 year ago

      That’s alright, I understand. A lot of the people who weren’t there didn’t understand what made it so great, so people tend to forget about it. I just thought it fit in with the others in the picture.