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The “privacy-first” company surprised its user base when CEO Andy Yen lauded Trump on social media.

  • @[email protected]
    301 month ago

    Official company announcement, not only personal one.

    Proton has position itself as a service for those who want to avoid big tech spying on them and unfair government prosecution. It is then very charring that they officially support a party that is trying to go out of their way to reduce women/lgbtq rights and invited the whole cabal of big tech as guests of honor to the innaguration.

    If their mission and their messages do not align, it’s normal that customers are concerned.

    I would be concerned of they officially supported any other party, but this case is specially outrageous.

    Be a bit practical here people, Imagine the right-wingers saying “Oh no, he donated to left wingers, reeeeeeeee”

    This might be sarcasm right? They went full reeee with Nike, Gillette, Budweiser, Costco…

    • ZeroOne
      21 month ago

      They did now, didn’t they, I’m simply gonna wait until Trump in his magnificent stupidity tries sanctioning Proton

      Let’s see Andy come out of that