Over the last week, the guide has surged to become the 5th-most-accessed book on Project Gutenberg, an open source repository of free and public domain ebooks. It is also the fifth most popular ebook on the site over the last 30 days, having been accessed nearly 60,000 times over the last month (just behind Romeo and Juliet).
Direct link to the book (without the backref):
Haha, yes… sabotaging checks notes Fascism. That’s what the CIA is historically very good at.
This was when they were the OSS and our enemy was literally fascists
Lol that was my first immediate thought too.
Yeah, it’s called taking out the competition. If you wanna win a race you gotta know where to throw the banana peels.
The book on sabotaging socialism and democratic rule is longer and more heavily cited than the OED
I wouldn’t go that far. It’s pretty simple we are Our Own Worst enemies. They just have to get us in fighting amongst ourselves and that’s pretty much it.
They’re not pro-fascism any more than they’re anti-fascism. They’re extremely pro-doing-what-we-fucking-tell-you, and anti-not-furthering-US-interests.
Fascists are typically good at doing what someone stronger than them orders, so they’re easy to work with. Anyone who’s willing to ignore what needs to be done in favor of someone else’s agenda and their own personal ends is viable though.