Lofgren’s bill would impose site-blocking requirements on broadband providers with at least 100,000 subscribers and providers of public domain name resolution services with annual revenue of over $100 million. The bill has exemptions for VPN services and “similar services that encrypt and route user traffic through intermediary servers”; DNS providers that offer service “exclusively through encrypted DNS protocols”; and operators of premises that provide Internet access, like coffee shops, bookstores, airlines, and universities.

Invest in VPN providers.

  • fafferlicious
    171 month ago

    D E M O C R A T singular, one. Not democrats. For fucks sake it’s on the bloody title!

    Why are people so willfully ignorant?

    US Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) today proposed …

    • @[email protected]
      91 month ago

      Cause people fail to awknowledge there is more to politics than just left and right, or progressive and conservative, etc.