We realize that most Americans didn’t vote for Trump (only 49.8%) and that most of those who did probably didn’t understand what tariffs are and how they work and we realize that Trump’s action and our response are going to hurt poor Americans, and poor Americans in red states more than others, but we’re not going to take illegal tariffs sitting down.

Just a reminder who Trump is pissing off.



  • _cryptagion [he/him]
    411 month ago

    Keep in mind that quite a lot of those people are lower class citizens who can’t afford to take a day off work to vote. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck, not getting one day of pay can be crippling.

    Sure, it’s easy to say they should bear the cost to save the nation, but none of us are feeding their kids or paying their bills. And it isn’t us who go homeless because they voted.

    • @[email protected]
      111 month ago

      While I’m sure this is true for many, where I live early voting is super easy and convenient. I’m willing to bet the vast majority of people that did not vote could very easily have done so, they just didn’t for non logistical reasons.

      • @[email protected]
        151 month ago

        I wouldn’t be so sure. It’s a time honored tradition for red states to make it significantly more difficult to vote. Shutting down voting locations in busy (so blue) areas, not accepting mail in votes, etc.

          • _cryptagion [he/him]
            51 month ago

            You don’t think there’s any problem with using only your viewpoint and experience as a guide for judging the entire nation?

            • @[email protected]
              61 month ago

              Yep, which is why I pointed out that it’s anecdotal. But I’m also seeing a bunch of comments that are just generalizations with no actual sources. So my anecdote has some value at least.

                • @[email protected]
                  31 month ago

                  To offer an alternative viewpoint to the other SOURCELESS comments. You want to provide sources that back up the comments, that’s fine. Otherwise my anecdotal perspective is equally valuable.

      • @[email protected]
        41 month ago

        where i live, voting is not necessarily easy or convenient for folks relying on public transport. that much harder if they are, say, a working single parent living below the poverty level. and my work involves talking to people like this every day - there are millions like them.

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          Do you think they would have voted if somebody drove them from their house to the polling place and back home? What would they need in order to convince them to vote? Mail in ballots? Polling places within X distance of their house? Anything else?

          I’m sure it’s the cynic in me, but I just think that the people staying home just don’t care enough to actually vote. If they did, they would figure out a way to do so.

          For instance, a working single parent below the poverty level probably knows that voting for the millionaire over the billionaire is not going to impact their life, so why bother wasting time voting?

          • @[email protected]
            21 month ago

            to your last point, you’re not wrong. a lot of people are so fucked they know it doesn’t really matter, and i won’t blame them for the state of the nation.

      • Mellibird
        21 month ago

        I would have early voted if I knew I could. I legitimately didn’t know that was an option for myself until if was over. I thankfully was able to go on voting day, so it’s ok. But for the first time in my voting life, I never received my voting pamphlet with all the usual info as well as my voting location. I had to look everything up and that really made me mad. So I could easily understand some people legitimately missing their opportunity to vote because they weren’t provided the information to be able to get out there and do it.

    • @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      You got paid leave right?

      And even so why would you need to take a day of to vote? We have over a 100 people we can vote for here in NL and we often do it before or after work

      • _cryptagion [he/him]
        11 month ago

        Paid leave is great, for people who work full time jobs that offer it. Not all full time jobs do, and no part time jobs offer it at all. Tell me, do you have the statistics of how many people in the US get paid leave? As for voting before work, how do you do that when you have to work multiple jobs to survive? Where I live, there’s only one voting location for a whole medium population city, and the wait was about four hours, and the line was several blocks long. You weren’t allowed to leave the line without losing your place, and you weren’t allowed to bring food or water to anyone in line.

        Republicans make it as hard as possible to vote. So while I’m glad you live in a state where voting is easy, it’s a bit selfish for you guys to imagine everyone has it as well as you do. We don’t. Not to mention, it’s a bit ableist to insist everyone is even capable for standing in line for the amount of time some people reported last November. And with Trump in power again, next election, if we even have one, is going to be that much harder. Mail in and early voting is probably going to be curtailed or abolished in many red states. New federal rules will likely be enacted, and I have no doubt that voting locations are going to get even scarcer. Fewer people will be able to vote next election, and it’s not because those people don’t care, it’s because that’s the whole point of everything fascists do.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          Excuse me for my ignorance, i keep forgetting the US only acts like it’s a first world country to the outside world, but it is basically a shit hole in the mean time.

          Most of these things I couldn’t know and we get a lot of news about the US here in NL.

          Voting here takes like 10 minutes and there are multiple voting locations available. A town with 2k people will have 2 or 3 voting locations and you can also vote in other cities.

          Edit: I was not talking about freelance work, but parttimes on contract, they get paid leave as well

          • _cryptagion [he/him]
            21 month ago

            Oh, part time workers don’t get any benefits here at all. Not even health insurance. And contract workers aren’t even classified as employees, which is why a lot of corps like Uber classify their workers as contractors. It means they don’t have to provide any benefits, and they don’t get any protections regular works get, since they aren’t employees. They’re just workers.

            It makes sense to billionaires.

            • @[email protected]
              130 days ago

              That doesn’t sound like are actual parttime workers, but either freelancers or “small business owners” who get hired.

              I dislike billionaires just like the next person, but this also exists in other countries where billionaires either don’t exist or don’t gave the impact.

              Part of it is because people think it’s better (at least here in NL) because they earn more after taxes, but in the long term it’s more expensive and because it used to be better for businesses. Now we mainly see a lot of people who wish to work like that.