Somewhere in the streets of Russian-occupied Simferopol, the capital of Crimea, a woman puts a sticker on the wall. It’s a short message, but if she is seen doing it, she will face arrest, prosecution, and likely, torture.
The message is: "Soon, we will be home again." On another
It’s impossible and it was obvious to anyone who bothered to check basic arithmetic from the very beginning. My best hope is for some kind of ceasefire, elections, peace deal, which all give some little chance that maybe mobilization will stop and borders will open.
you won’t get conscripted into the russian army the moment Kyiv gets occupied
And sent where, to Baltic or Poland? Okay, I’ll proceed to give up to NATO soldiers immediately.
And the least we can do for that is to stop pretending russian government has any sort of moral advantage
It’s not that they’re nice, it’s just that ukrainian government turned country into a worse dictatorship than russia is, and it really uncovered some truths about democracies, media, how european are ukrainian values and how helpful UN is, and many other things.
So why don’t you go get conscripted and give up to russian soldiers? If Ukraine is a worse dictatorship, surely that will be a step up.
Just one “step up” from ukrainian levels of shittiness isn’t enough. This is too unsafe compared to giving up to EU. Russians will definitely want to trade you to some of their captured people even if you don’t want to go back. EU will most likely not trade you back if you ask them.
I’m still kinda sorta willing to give you benefit of the doubt because we’re all scared shitless for our lives every night, hearing air raid alert sirens. But your replies to OP start resembling russian propaganda rulebook more and more. If this war was following “basic arithmetic”, we would be part of russia for the past 3 years.
A brief ceasefire, allowing you to get to EU, will not be enough to guarantee your safety. Given opportunity, putin will regroup, get more support from his allies and continue the war past Ukraine. I respect not willing to be sent to the battlefield against your will - but, unless we somehow get enough help to push russia back, this will happen sooner or later regardless.
EU should allocate more spending on their military so that when the day comes, they will have more than enough professional soldiers to fight Russia and have no need to mobilize civilians. If EU was one country it would be hard, but when there is NATO, contract soldiers from many NATO states might be enough without additional conscripts.
Sorry, what? How is EU allocating money to defend themselves from Russia is for my sake? That’s for the sake of their own people. They should watch closely what it does to people morale here in Ukraine when civilians are forcefully conscripted and try hard to make sure they never have to do the same to their civilians.
Ask him why he thinks NATO uses the “contract soldier” vs “conscripts” distinction, or where he got that mental model from to use it habitually. That’s not how Ukraine does it, is it? Or is it? Presumably most Ukrainians would know that it’s specific to Russia instead of assuming everyone does it that way, right?
It is how Ukraine does it, too. Currently I don’t think you can go for contract when you already have to be mobilized according to databases (on “Wanted” list in apps like “Reserve+” or “Dija”). And payment is laughable anyway. It would be really easy to boost morale if government decided to end forced conscription and paid to volunteers more than russia does. And it also could probably help to stabilize the frontlines. Given how much they steal I’m pretty sure they have more than enough money to pay more than russians 22k$ to volunteers as a single-time payment.
why he thinks NATO uses the “contract soldier” vs “conscripts” distinction
Too bad if they doesn’t. What they gonna do when the time comes. In EU conscious objection is supposed to work, so people can decline en masse (did you know that includes personal beliefs, not necessarily religion?). They’d better start using that distinction asap and consider soldier as a full-time work even in peace time. So that enough people will be paid to be soldiers like a job but in case of war they and only they will go fight and no one else.
Why would they need soldiers “when the time comes” / “when the day comes”? I thought Ukraine was a lot more evil dictatorship than Russia. Aren’t you looking forward to peace? Wouldn’t it be nicer to have Russia on their borders, with open borders and free media, and finally put an end to the corruption of Ukraine? You said you were looking forward to the Russian military rolling over Kyiv, and then you could leave under the auspices of Russia’s more friendly government. Right?
I’m mostly done talking, I’m just fucking with you I guess for my own amusement. It was enlightening though. Thanks for the insight.
It’s impossible and it was obvious to anyone who bothered to check basic arithmetic from the very beginning. My best hope is for some kind of ceasefire, elections, peace deal, which all give some little chance that maybe mobilization will stop and borders will open.
And sent where, to Baltic or Poland? Okay, I’ll proceed to give up to NATO soldiers immediately.
It’s not that they’re nice, it’s just that ukrainian government turned country into a worse dictatorship than russia is, and it really uncovered some truths about democracies, media, how european are ukrainian values and how helpful UN is, and many other things.
So why don’t you go get conscripted and give up to russian soldiers? If Ukraine is a worse dictatorship, surely that will be a step up.
Oh wait, you actually are talking out of your ass.
Just one “step up” from ukrainian levels of shittiness isn’t enough. This is too unsafe compared to giving up to EU. Russians will definitely want to trade you to some of their captured people even if you don’t want to go back. EU will most likely not trade you back if you ask them.
I’m still kinda sorta willing to give you benefit of the doubt because we’re all scared shitless for our lives every night, hearing air raid alert sirens. But your replies to OP start resembling russian propaganda rulebook more and more. If this war was following “basic arithmetic”, we would be part of russia for the past 3 years.
A brief ceasefire, allowing you to get to EU, will not be enough to guarantee your safety. Given opportunity, putin will regroup, get more support from his allies and continue the war past Ukraine. I respect not willing to be sent to the battlefield against your will - but, unless we somehow get enough help to push russia back, this will happen sooner or later regardless.
EU should allocate more spending on their military so that when the day comes, they will have more than enough professional soldiers to fight Russia and have no need to mobilize civilians. If EU was one country it would be hard, but when there is NATO, contract soldiers from many NATO states might be enough without additional conscripts.
And why should EU do that for your sake, when you no longer give a shit about your own country?
Sorry, what? How is EU allocating money to defend themselves from Russia is for my sake? That’s for the sake of their own people. They should watch closely what it does to people morale here in Ukraine when civilians are forcefully conscripted and try hard to make sure they never have to do the same to their civilians.
Ask him why he thinks NATO uses the “contract soldier” vs “conscripts” distinction, or where he got that mental model from to use it habitually. That’s not how Ukraine does it, is it? Or is it? Presumably most Ukrainians would know that it’s specific to Russia instead of assuming everyone does it that way, right?
It is how Ukraine does it, too. Currently I don’t think you can go for contract when you already have to be mobilized according to databases (on “Wanted” list in apps like “Reserve+” or “Dija”). And payment is laughable anyway. It would be really easy to boost morale if government decided to end forced conscription and paid to volunteers more than russia does. And it also could probably help to stabilize the frontlines. Given how much they steal I’m pretty sure they have more than enough money to pay more than russians 22k$ to volunteers as a single-time payment.
Too bad if they doesn’t. What they gonna do when the time comes. In EU conscious objection is supposed to work, so people can decline en masse (did you know that includes personal beliefs, not necessarily religion?). They’d better start using that distinction asap and consider soldier as a full-time work even in peace time. So that enough people will be paid to be soldiers like a job but in case of war they and only they will go fight and no one else.
Why would they need soldiers “when the time comes” / “when the day comes”? I thought Ukraine was a lot more evil dictatorship than Russia. Aren’t you looking forward to peace? Wouldn’t it be nicer to have Russia on their borders, with open borders and free media, and finally put an end to the corruption of Ukraine? You said you were looking forward to the Russian military rolling over Kyiv, and then you could leave under the auspices of Russia’s more friendly government. Right?
I’m mostly done talking, I’m just fucking with you I guess for my own amusement. It was enlightening though. Thanks for the insight.