My PE still makes me embarrassed even if I was a quick cummer from the very beginning. I guess that’s why I have created this community to meet like-minded folks. The thing is that it is some sort of kink for me. This feeling of embarrassment is also exciting, arousing and pleasant. So what about you? What are your stories?

  • lowqualitythrowaway
    1 month ago

    I wear it like a badge of honor. My partner controls me with it. I always finish in under a minute, but I make sure to make it the most memorable 45 seconds ever! I always grunt and moan loudly and expressively. How about you? How loud are you?

    I also like being laughed at. All the videos on my profile are from zero to hero. That’s all I can last. If you view them and laugh, let me know. That would turn me on. ;)

    Thanks for the post. I love to talk about this topic. Reply here if you’re willing and able or direct message me if you’re more common that way. :)

    • just_cOP
      1 month ago

      Oh wow, nice! I wish I had such high level of self-esteem! Or maybe I do but kink mechanism makes it looking like I don’t? No idea. Anywya, I do cum fast and in silence, with an embarrassement on my face. As much as I love seeing and laughing at someone’s else “one pump action” I do not enjoy it myself. I prefer a little smirk and and a direct order to make the other person cum in any other way.

      I did watch your “records” and oh boy, you indeed cum absurdaly quick :D Even I can last a bit longer! Feel free to message me if you want to.