I live a bachelor lifestyle, so I have no food in here. Just alcohol. I hope the mouse figures that out and goes away. I should get some traps in case it doesn’t. I hate killing animals but there’s no practical alternative.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    Get a bucket or box and place a plank reaching into it. Glue an almond or something with peanut Butter to the end. Oil the lower half of the plank.

    You might have to cover the the edges so they cant jump out.

    Thats how I caught 7 mice in a day that refused to get into conventional traps for days. I released them in a field.

    Act fast, they reproduce Quick and its unlikely only one mouse moved in. They will nibble on you while you sleep and such.

    If you dont have food they will start eating through stuff.