Just a quick test.


Regular spoiler

Fancy Custom Spoiler

Fancier spoiler

  • CavendishOP
    211 months ago

    Wow, that was fast! I was about to write something like “you could at least have the decency of taking my money before providing such stellar service,” but didn’t want to bury my sincerity in a stupid joke. So thank you, sincerely, for squashing that so quickly.

    A very low priority additional observation, spoilers with line breaks don’t convert to your fancy collapsing box. Example:

    Multi-paragraph spoiler

    Here’s line one.

    Here’s line two.

      • CavendishOP
        111 months ago

        One more very minor, very fringe edge case: two spoilers in a row are collapsing into one. See example at the top of this thread. This was working before the multi-line fix.