Baldur’s Gate 3 has blown away expectations and redefined what an RPG can be, and that may put Bethesda’s upcoming Starfield in a rough spot.

  • Neato
    51 year ago

    with planets to explore

    My worry here is that the majority will be procedurally generated planets.

    • HairyblueOP
      41 year ago

      Or how well they can pull off procedurally generated planets and have interesting and fun things to do there.

      I play Valheim and it has procedurally generated land to explore. But their dungeon mazes are just hallways and doors that open to nothing. This becomes boring fast.

      I have also played Bloodborne- Lovecraftian masterpiece. It has random generated dungeons and it is done well and are fun to explore. But nothing beats a human well crafted dungeon. At least not yet.