The tesseract Lemmy app, has a little overview from (MBFC). It seems like a clever way to foster a healthy community.

If you click on the ranking you get details.

ranking details for CNN

EDIT: Sorry to stir up an old hornet’s nest.

EDIT2: Commenters have some valid criticisms of MBFC. Even if there are flaws, I would like to celebrate all attempts at elevating the conversations we are having.

  • @leftzero
    245 days ago

    reminiscent of a malware site

    Well, that’s because it is malware.

    it, is to me at least, right leaning

    It’s not right leaning.

    It’s disinformation malware whose sole purpose is to move the Overton window as far right as possible.

    It labels anything short of outright fascism as far left.