• @[email protected]
    136 days ago

    Saying it will work or not work are both equally stupid unless you provide some evidence for it.

    Here’s why it might work:

    Modern economies are extremely fragile. The only reason amazon is able to provide same day delivery is because they can predict with reasonable certainty, what the demand will be.

    Youtube or any big social media works by predicting what the usage will be.

    We are just used to seeing how magically all the technologies work but at their roots, its all about predicting the future trends.

    So if there is enough mass behind this movement to cause disruptions, it will hurt them. Even if it creates some noise, this will force them to increase fault tolerance.

    So the real question everyone should be asking is this:

    Will the inconvenience caused by not buying on 28th more than the potential for some damage?

    • @[email protected]
      66 days ago

      Woudn’t it be better to target more focused for a longer duration? Don’t buy anything from Amazon for 3 months.

    • @[email protected]
      36 days ago

      I get your point, but a day is a rounding error. A day is “oh it snowed so no one went out”. That’s normal enough that I just don’t see how a single day will amount to much. People will either buy ahead of time or right after. They won’t forgo their purchases, just delay them at best.

          • Nougat
            36 days ago

            “Why are you putting a single shovel of dirt into a sandbag, that’s not going to do anything against this flood.”

            Don’t gatekeep resistance. Today’s boycotter can become tomorrow’s marcher, next week’s smuggler, next month’s partisan.