Without the Nutty Club in operation, I can’t really find anything made in Canada at all…

For chips we have Old Dutch and La Cochina and a few other good options. But I’m completely lost in the junk food aisle trying to find snacks for D&D.

  • TroyOP
    24 days ago

    Yeah, looking for crap like skittles or smarties, except Canadian ;)

    • setVeryLoud(true);
      21 day ago

      Unfortunately American, but I really, really liked Vermont Chocolates’ Skippers, always grabbed some when I drove to VT. Much higher quality than Mars M&M.

      Hopefully some Canadian company can take their place.

    • @zipzoopaboop
      33 days ago

      Looks like dare is still Canadian, should be able to find tubs of gummies from like superstore or London drugs

      • TroyOP
        43 days ago

        I was checking the bags of Dare candies at my local Co-op. Nowhere on the bag does it say Made in Canada (or better yet Product of Canada). I suspect too many of the ingredients are internationally sourced so it doesn’t meet the 51% cost threshold to have the Made in Canada label.