Final Fantasy 16 producer and 14 director Naoki Yoshida wishes everyone played games on the same console.

  • @[email protected]
    232 years ago

    Game platforms… I probably shouldn’t say this, but I wish there was only one," Yoshida said, translated by IGN. "It would be better for both the developers and the players.

    “and the players” 🤡 🤡

        • @[email protected]
          102 years ago

          I think if he meant one standard like DVD and companies like Sony or Microsoft would make the dvd player. Other companies can join in. We would have choice and competition. And the one game would work the same on any device.

          At least that’s my wish.

          • @[email protected]
            22 years ago

            Then who gets the licensing costs for the Dev kits? Who gets the 30% cut of the digital store? Who gets the cut of accessories sold? Each game sold? Who’s responsible for updating the OS?

            The console market works how it does because they sell the tech at a loss and make up money on the ongoing sales. The 3DO tried the open source model in the early 90s and ended up with ridiculously pricey consoles as all the manufacturers needed to make their profit upfront. Eventually, there will be no price difference between a console and a PC if equivilent specs.

      • @[email protected]
        32 years ago

        I play games with my mates on PC and PS all the time despite being on Xbox, it’s called crossplay.