I’ve been curious to try plugs/pegging with my wife (my hole, to be clear). They’re a little open to it but extremely worried about smell. Poo grosses them out a lot. I mean, it grosses me out too, but I’m blessed/cursed with a weak sense of smell. My wife is the opposite. The anal aspect itself doesn’t bother them, just the risk of ick.
Note that I’ve done these before by myself, just not in their presence.
What can I do to minimize the risk of smells as much as possible the first time? I think if the first experience is bad it might turn them off to it.
My current thought is to at least start with a plug before anything else because it’s less movement. So possibly less risk of smells.
Enemas work really well at cleaning you out. I’d recommend getting some but check to see what’s in it before using it. Generally, replacing the saline solution with just warm water is recommended, otherwise it might cause an “incident”. They often have an effect that causes your body to try and get rid of anything in there. Great for when you’re blocked up, but if you’re planning on anal then you might feel the need to go at an in-oppertune moment.
Also try earing plenty of fiber the day before if possible, it’ll make movements easier and more clean. When you have the proper amount of fiber, poop sticks to itself better and it makes passing it easier and less messy as well.