Humans who run instances are real people who have jobs and mortgages and kids. I also like having piracy communities around to balance the greedy ass corporations trying to control media and copyright…I’m glad to know they are there if I need them or feel like screwing around with it. I just wonder if the people ranting all indignantly acting like instances are competing for their usership would feel the same if the most active instance was on a server physically sitting in their basement, or paid for by money tied to them in the real world. Yes it seems pretty unlikely that you’re ever going to run into issues with law enforcement, copyright claims, lawsuits…but how much would you risk for a fucking hobby you do for free? Would you risk your house? Your job? I would not. Grow up. No one cares what instance you use.

  • @[email protected]
    131 year ago

    I’m so tired of the “just change instances” argument that comes up every time mods make a bad decision. It’s as bad as “just watch something else” for movies. Like yeah, literally everyone recognizes that you can choose how to spend your time, but that fact isn’t a magic buffer against critisism.

    • @[email protected]OP
      151 year ago

      I understand that but also I can change instances in two clicks on an app once I’m signed up. I was going to post this one with my world account but it was going slow so I switched. Same two clicks to view piracy or porn. Yeah it would be easier to not have to but I understand why someone would simply choose to not fuss with it. Running these things is basically a hobby.

      Imagine if you were invited to a party at a friend’s house…well, this friend got mad when you started lighting off fireworks at midnight and waking his neighbors up…this friend makes you take your shoes off when you come in their house. This friend doesn’t want you to watch porn because the kids are playing video games in the other room. Well it’s a free country right, why can’t I light off fireworks? As your friend I want you to have fun at my party man, I really do…that’s why I invited you…but my neighbors will call the cops and I have to deal with then in the morning. And my wife will kill me if the floor gets all scuffed up. If you want to leave the party because of that I’m sorry.

    • Rottcodd
      131 year ago

      It’s not meant as a “magic buffer to criticism.”

      It’s just a more polite alternative to “nobody gives a shit what you think, so fuck off.”

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Gotta love how it’s somehow simultaneously “I’m so annoyed everyone’s talking about it” and “nobody gives a shit”. Make up your mind. You don’t get to have it both ways. Maybe you don’t give a shit, but a lot of people do, and they want to discuss it. Not everything is about you. Also, gotta love the irony of someone showing up on someone’s forum to loudly declare how much they don’t care about something.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Everyone should switch instances, but not because of this stuff. LW is just too large right now. The fediverse wasn’t designed to have so many people in one place. Communities were supposed to spread out and build their own specialized instances. This attempt to recreate reddit on one instance never should have happened.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      It’s as bad as “just watch something else” for movies.

      This is more like “I hate the way this movie looks on this TV!” when you have free alternative TVs you could use instead.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        This logic doesn’t even work for tvs. Even if I return a bad tv to get a better one, I’m still gonna leave a bad review on the amazon page.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          True, complaining that you think the instance sucks is valid - but I do think how inconveniencing it is should factor in. Since you can simply make a new account on a different instance and continue viewing the exact same content, getting too bent out of shape about it is a bit silly.