Ok, if you think so. I’m afraid that the politics of the real world is a bit more complex than "Putin is a Supervillain and must be stopped by the avengers NATO.
Putin is a geriatric, history-revising madman who thinks he should be the tzar of the Soviet Union. He has been an autocrat for too long, has had only yes-men around him for more than two decades, and his head is simply too far up his ass. He has lost all grasp on reality.
It really is that simple. The world would be a better place without Putin and his cronies. There would be less violence in the world without Russia. What meaningful except for terror and fear has Russia exported in the past decade? Two?
Enough with the false equivalences, this war is unilaterally Russia’s fault. Russia is a rabid dog, bleeding out and trying to take down everything with it.
My stance isn’t very far off for all Russian soldiers in Ukraine and Putin, as well as anyone affiliated with him.
If you’re talking about there being no tzars in the Soviet Union: Obviously. It’s a figure of speech. The actual point went riiiiight over your head, Sherlock.
People act as if he’s a supervillain. The other person literally said that the war is happening “because he felt like it”. How is that not supervillain logic? How does that not abstract away that Putin acts in the political interest of a national state?
I’m not trying to argue for sympathy for that asshole. I just want people to think a teensy bit about the fact that states do things out of political calculations and interests. Not because one guy “feels like it”.
The fact that Putin is the one who started this war? This war wouldn’t be a thing if a) Russia didn’t annex Crimea, b) Russia didn’t send “totally not Russian troops” into Donbas and c) Russia didn’t do a full invasion of Ukraine. Not to mention this war would be over tomorrow if Putin withdrew his troops.
Putin started this and Putin can end this, it’s all his choice.
I’m not asking for justifications. It’s just so weird to me that people apparently think that
Putin does what he wants in Russia as if he was an absolute monarch. (Yes, the elections were iffy, but he has a lot of support in Russia and the Duma still exists)
Putin doesn’t need any reason to make Russia do things. (Nations don’t do shit without reason)
And the moment I’m trying to understand the situation a bit better, I’m called a Putin troll, a fascist and get downvoted into oblivion.
Euromaidan. Russian-aligned leader got kicked and in its place was taken by a pro-EU government. Putin lost control over Ukraine and that was unacceptable to him.
Putin does what he wants in Russia as if he was an absolute monarch. (Yes, the elections were iffy, but he has a lot of support in Russia and the Duma still exists)
But he does? His opposition either magically disappears or suddenly don’t qualify for the election. The other “suitable” electoral candidates exists solely to keep the up the appearance of democracy. The Duma also exists to keep up appearances. And the reason Putin has a lot of support is because he has manufactured consent through the state owned media. He’s also sowing indifference in the opposition by publicly eliminating opponents to indicate that this is what happens if you oppose him. He is ruling unopposed.
Putin doesn’t need any reason to make Russia do things. (Nations don’t do shit without reason)
What do you mean? Trump is literally slapping tariffs on its neighbors and nobody is stopping him. If you have an autocratic leader the state does what the leader wants. Putin wants to regain control of Ukraine and that’s the only reason the Russian state needs.
Euromaidan. Russian-aligned leader got kicked and in its place was taken by a pro-EU government
“Pro-EU” is one way of putting it. Ukraine became an economic and militaristic threat to Russia.
Putin lost control over Ukraine and that was unacceptable to him.
Sorry, this kind of narrative is again way too much “great man theory” for my tastes.
But he does? His opposition either magically disappears or suddenly don’t qualify for the election.
Yes, it’s a very obvious example of power politics in electoral politics. But there are still generals and ministers surrounding him. Putin is acting in the name of a sovereign nation. Individualising his goals and behaviors (acting as if it’s the whims of a person) is not helping if you want to understand the situation.
What do you mean? Trump is literally slapping tariffs on its neighbors and nobody is stopping him.
And there are reasons for him to do so. It’s a strategy to further his goals. I’m not claiming that the strategy is good or that I align with the goals, but the are there and it’s important not to lose track of them.
Putin wants to regain control of Ukraine and that’s the only reason the Russian state needs.
Imperialism meaning to extend the power of a nation for its own benefit beyond its borders. This can be in militaristic nature by invasion, but also in economic nature via economical warfare.
Once you accept that definition, you see that the west is an imperialist player, too (otherwise, the US dropping out of Ukraine wouldn’t be such a big issue).
I agree that Russia is imperialist and I disagree with their goals, as they disalign with mine. But I disagree with the west’s imperialist goals, too. In the end the Ukrainian and Russian people are pawns in the imperialist games of nations, which I can’t condone.
If Russia loses, Ukraine’s economy will be so crippled and its population will be so decimated that it has no other choice than to take credit and be exploited from European companies. It will be like what happened in Greece, but 100 times worse. Selensky will be ok, as he’ll most likely get some position at some board, but in any case: the Ukrainian people (the people whose interests are most aligned with mine) will lose in any case.
It seems you are the one arguing he’s a super villain, not the rest. And don’t you dare argue Doom is not a supervillain because he does things “out of political calculations and interests”.
Ok, if you think so. I’m afraid that the politics of the real world is a bit more complex than "Putin is a Supervillain and must be stopped by
the avengersNATO.https://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/66181
Putin is a geriatric, history-revising madman who thinks he should be the tzar of the Soviet Union. He has been an autocrat for too long, has had only yes-men around him for more than two decades, and his head is simply too far up his ass. He has lost all grasp on reality.
It really is that simple. The world would be a better place without Putin and his cronies. There would be less violence in the world without Russia. What meaningful except for terror and fear has Russia exported in the past decade? Two?
Enough with the false equivalences, this war is unilaterally Russia’s fault. Russia is a rabid dog, bleeding out and trying to take down everything with it.
Sorry, I can’t take you ser after that display of utter historical ignorance/stupidity.
Your stance wouldn’t be too far off from “Jeder Schuss ein Russ”
My stance isn’t very far off for all Russian soldiers in Ukraine and Putin, as well as anyone affiliated with him.
If you’re talking about there being no tzars in the Soviet Union: Obviously. It’s a figure of speech. The actual point went riiiiight over your head, Sherlock.
I personally feel sorry for the Russian boys forced to die in the mud of ukraine. Fuck Putin, not his slaves.
“No, I didn’t say anything stupid! You’re the stoopid one for not getting it”
Aaaand we’re at dehumanizing Russians… great… /s
Nobody thinks he’s a supervillain. He’s am egotistical asshole with power.
But he needs to be stopped and gtfo Ukraine.
People act as if he’s a supervillain. The other person literally said that the war is happening “because he felt like it”. How is that not supervillain logic? How does that not abstract away that Putin acts in the political interest of a national state?
I’m not trying to argue for sympathy for that asshole. I just want people to think a teensy bit about the fact that states do things out of political calculations and interests. Not because one guy “feels like it”.
How quickly people forget it’s called Putins “war of choice” for a reason.
What reason is that exactly, then?
The fact that Putin is the one who started this war? This war wouldn’t be a thing if a) Russia didn’t annex Crimea, b) Russia didn’t send “totally not Russian troops” into Donbas and c) Russia didn’t do a full invasion of Ukraine. Not to mention this war would be over tomorrow if Putin withdrew his troops.
Putin started this and Putin can end this, it’s all his choice.
So… any idea why “Putin” supposedly did all that?
I’m not asking for justifications. It’s just so weird to me that people apparently think that
And the moment I’m trying to understand the situation a bit better, I’m called a Putin troll, a fascist and get downvoted into oblivion.
Euromaidan. Russian-aligned leader got kicked and in its place was taken by a pro-EU government. Putin lost control over Ukraine and that was unacceptable to him.
But he does? His opposition either magically disappears or suddenly don’t qualify for the election. The other “suitable” electoral candidates exists solely to keep the up the appearance of democracy. The Duma also exists to keep up appearances. And the reason Putin has a lot of support is because he has manufactured consent through the state owned media. He’s also sowing indifference in the opposition by publicly eliminating opponents to indicate that this is what happens if you oppose him. He is ruling unopposed.
What do you mean? Trump is literally slapping tariffs on its neighbors and nobody is stopping him. If you have an autocratic leader the state does what the leader wants. Putin wants to regain control of Ukraine and that’s the only reason the Russian state needs.
“Pro-EU” is one way of putting it. Ukraine became an economic and militaristic threat to Russia.
Sorry, this kind of narrative is again way too much “great man theory” for my tastes.
Yes, it’s a very obvious example of power politics in electoral politics. But there are still generals and ministers surrounding him. Putin is acting in the name of a sovereign nation. Individualising his goals and behaviors (acting as if it’s the whims of a person) is not helping if you want to understand the situation.
And there are reasons for him to do so. It’s a strategy to further his goals. I’m not claiming that the strategy is good or that I align with the goals, but the are there and it’s important not to lose track of them.
Imperialism meaning to extend the power of a nation for its own benefit beyond its borders. This can be in militaristic nature by invasion, but also in economic nature via economical warfare.
Once you accept that definition, you see that the west is an imperialist player, too (otherwise, the US dropping out of Ukraine wouldn’t be such a big issue).
I agree that Russia is imperialist and I disagree with their goals, as they disalign with mine. But I disagree with the west’s imperialist goals, too. In the end the Ukrainian and Russian people are pawns in the imperialist games of nations, which I can’t condone.
If Russia loses, Ukraine’s economy will be so crippled and its population will be so decimated that it has no other choice than to take credit and be exploited from European companies. It will be like what happened in Greece, but 100 times worse. Selensky will be ok, as he’ll most likely get some position at some board, but in any case: the Ukrainian people (the people whose interests are most aligned with mine) will lose in any case.
It seems you are the one arguing he’s a super villain, not the rest. And don’t you dare argue Doom is not a supervillain because he does things “out of political calculations and interests”.
How does that work if my stance is literally that “Wars don’t happen just because one guy feels like it” and sthe reply is “yu-uh!”?
Never said yu-uh. Same as didn’t say Putin is a super villain.
You’re only going around trying to have people to say “Putin has good reasons for genocide” and people ain’t buying it.
You didn’t, but they did. Didn’t you read the comments?
When did I ray anything of the sort? I can’t help but see this as a bad faith attempt of character assassination. I think an apology is in order.
Nobody said he’s a supervillain only you.
I DEMAND an apology.
Bye, troll