Right now if you search for “country in Africa that starts with the letter K”:
DuckDuckGo will link to an alphabetical list of countries in Africa which includes Kenya.
Google, as the first hit, links to a ChatGPT transcript where it claims that there are none, and summarizes to say the same.
This is because ChatGPT at some point ingested this popular joke:
“There are no countries in Africa that start with K.” “What about Kenya?” “Kenya suck deez nuts?”
Okay? As I said, google has been giving incorrect results for decades. Now, just like before, it gives incorrect answers sometimes. But it has gotten a LOT better at giving those correct answers.
You are arguing in bad faith. It is a fact that Google results have been getting worse over time. What is your point? That with extra effort, you might get the answer you’re looking for? Google used to be the king of search! Other search engines don’t seem to have a problem answering the question is the point others are trying to make, despite Google’s massive revenue.
Care to back up that unfounded claim?
Two for one! Mind giving me some supporting evidence? Nothing anecdotal, mind you. Show me that “other search engines” answer questions better than google, statistically.
I can back up that claim by pointing to the popularity of other search engines. People are now even paying to search because Google has become a nightmare due to SEO.
As to your other question: did you even read the other comments on this thread before you jumped to Google’s defense?
I used to totally be a Google fanboy, like you still are, but they’re failing us, dude, and somewhere deep down, I think you realize that.
I would love to see that research paper. Just to be clear: you are claiming that google is… Not the most popular search engine? Or that it is losing popularity?
You still haven’t answered my questions, though.
Go die in a fire. You understand my point well and arguing symantics and technicalities. If you actually don’t understand, please die in a larger, hotter fire, because the world needs less people like you.
No, sorry. I honestly do not understand your point. Please sum it up for me.
Why don’t you show us some proof that google search is unchanged compared to what it was 10 years go.
When did I make that claim?
As to my point, it is that google searches have not failed me to date, AI has only improved it, and saying “but it gave me something wrong once!” is basically that “old man yells at clouds” meme.