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Donald Trump is upset after King Charles warmly welcomed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at Sandringham, making Trumpā€™s own state visit invitation seem ā€œless special.ā€

Trumpā€™s allies allegedly asked the British government to intervene, but officials stated the king makes his own decisions.

Relations may also be strained by Trumpā€™s criticism of Canada, where Charles remains head of state.

The U.K. government denied tensions, reaffirming strong U.S.-U.K. ties.

  • Llamatron
    15 hours ago

    It blows my mind that so many Americans saw this petulant, orange manchild and thought yes, this man should lead us.

      • sp3ctr4l
        1ā€¢51 minutes ago


        Trump is what everyone who voted for him aspires to be.

        A giant, petulant manbaby thatā€™s ā€˜allowedā€™ to bully people.

        I am honestly surprised so many other Americans did not realize that so many of their fellow countrymen are vindictive, incompetent little shitheels who get off on bullying people.

    • Lit
      10 hours ago

      Even after knowing he bankrupted his casinos and knowing he is a TV show host/actor. He bankrupted his casino, was he voted to bankrupt USA?

    • @[email protected]
      25ā€¢13 hours ago

      Iā€™m at the point where I donā€™t want to be cynical, and I donā€™t have any proof, butā€¦would anyone put him past rigging the election? Thatā€™s where my head is at right now. It makes sense. I donā€™t know how he rigged the election. I donā€™t know how TO rig an election.

      But seeing him, and being told he won the popular voteā€¦my brain canā€™t process the core concept of trump being popular. But if you say he rigged it, my brain can follow that concept without having smoke come out my ears.

      • @[email protected]
        6ā€¢7 hours ago

        Popular by total votes tallied, not popular by total eligible voters. Only about 50-70% of all eligible voters vote - call it 2/3. Campaigning is less about swinging voters between parties and more about convincing them to show up for the ballot. This is Trumpā€™s specialty. He is so inflammatory that he has driven more people to the polls, both for and against him. But if you look at the actual stats, 2016 was won with just 27% of the eligible voter populationā€™s vote and 2024 with 32%. The runner up tallied 29% and 31%, respectively. 3rd party votes donā€™t exceed 2% which means both the winner and the 2nd place candidates collected a total vote count about equal to the number of people who didnā€™t show up at all.

        More towards what people actually see in him, they think heā€™s their friend. His vitriol makes them beleive heā€™s really just in this for an altruistic motive about returning the USA to a place of freedom (for the white Christian patriarchal population). They donā€™t think he is in it for financial gain. They think theyā€™re poor because democrats gave money to brown people. They think being a dick to other countries will bring the USA back to a self-sustaining country. They beleive corporations will do the right thing in response and choose to no longer exploit poor countries. They think the decline of US citizensā€™ private wealth is from welfare policies, not from corporate greed. They donā€™t recognize that the USAā€™s 1950s-60s economic boom was rooted in being the only major industrial nation that was NOT bombed to kingdom come in the 40s.

        And above all, I beleive conservatives generally lack empathy. They beleive this dichotomy that everyone has equal opportunity but also that behavior is racial. They canā€™t bring themselves to beleive minorities have it rougher due to systemic issues. They canā€™t understand how poverty, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, lacking Healthcare, inability to afford higher education, or predisposition to violence is more easily predicted by birth location than anything else. Until it happens to one of their own, one who looks like them, looks like a daughter, looks like a brother. This frees them to vote for Trump and beleive in a year, theyā€™ll be wealthy, screaming ā€œfuck you, got mineā€ to the lesser demographics that just wonā€™t play nice. That gives way to the most upsetting irony. Theyā€™re voting for a ā€œbusinessmanā€ who will ā€œrun the country like a businessā€ yet somehow cannot understand, at all, Trump is a grifter that is excellent at branding himself as successful on the backs of bankrupted companies that gave him golden parachutes. Why would anyone want trump to run the country like a Trump business? Bankruptcies, layoffs, shutdowns, downsizes, and a fat check for Trump? Because itā€™s about race, religion, and societal norms. Itā€™s believing that being white, Christian, and patriarchal should automatically come with success in America. All of the hypocrisy and side effects is just the cost of gaining personal wealth.

        • @[email protected]
          1ā€¢2 hours ago

          I agree with all of your points.
          You also seem to write grammatically correct sentences bereft of the typical misspellings that confound ESL writersā€¦ which makes me wonder: how did you manage to get ā€œbelieveā€ wrong FIVE times, and then nail it when it became ā€œbelievingā€ at the end?

      • @[email protected]
        11ā€¢11 hours ago

        Remember when the traitors illegally seized all the voting machines for their bullshit audits in 2020?

        The voting machines that are known to have first hand attack vulnerabilities were in the hands of Americaā€™s enemies.

      • @person420
        7ā€¢11 hours ago

        Get out and talk to people. Itā€™s 100% believable he won the popular vote, let alone the election.

      • @[email protected]
        3ā€¢11 hours ago

        The election apparatus in the US is extremely hard to rig. Itā€™s run by local officials, so in order to fix the counting of voters you need to get to thousands of individual county/city/town election boards, all at once. Those boards have members of all parties generally present on them so there is a fair amount of local oversight to overcome, too.

        There was a bit of time in the early 2000ā€™s where the voting machines themselves were suspect but some good work by independant researchers shined some daylight on that. Now most votes in the US are either done purely by paper ballots (counted by machines) or on machines that generate verifiable paper trails, and are very hard to just casually alter the count without being found out.

        Republicans rig the vote by manipulating their media. Roger Ailes was one of Nixonā€™s media advisors during Watergate. The lesson he took away was that if the media didnā€™t hold Nixon to account, he would have never had to resign. Ailes went on to run Fox News in the mid-90s, and the rest is history.

    • Wytch
      33ā€¢14 hours ago

      They relate to him. They feel put upon by the burdens of a world that left them behind. Theyā€™re struggling financially while those ā€œliberal elitesā€ laugh at their misfortune. They grind 40 or 60 hours for a pittance that barely keeps food on the table these days. They watch TV and are bombarded by a culture that embraces sexual deviancy and vices that demonstrate the rot at the heart of their once fine upstanding country.

      From their perspective, of course. Forged by propaganda and misinformation that they are too furious to examine. This idiot man-baby we see? They see a fucking savior. A man who like them knows how things ought to be. A man with the willpower and knowhow to ā€œsave America.ā€

      Where we see petulance, they see righteousness, and they sympathize. These people are furious. Heā€™s got them completely weaponized.