Shout them down in every space, make them embarrased to think the stupid shit they think.
If we don’t embarrass and correct them now we will have to kill them later when they come for our friends and families.
Shout them down in every space, make them embarrased to think the stupid shit they think.
If we don’t embarrass and correct them now we will have to kill them later when they come for our friends and families.
I don’t think they really ever steal cultures like that?
Which culture did they ever take and appropriate?
They’ve stolen and appropriated every symbol they have, from the swastika and the iron cross to pepe the frog.
Swastika is not a culture. A cross is a cross. Pepe?
If you have a Wiki link or comment, curious if any culture has ever been stolen.
(just speaking to parent commenter here, not making a declaration - trying to understand the perspective & outta my element)
I’m not sure what you mean. What I’m talking about is from the original post. Nazis won’t take over satanism, black metal, punk, beer(wtf!!?) or anything else like that. It doesn’t work like that.
Gotcha, thanks.
Are there historical examples of non-Nazis stealing culture in a really full way? (okie lemme Wiki that in the meantime btw)
Transparently: curious to assess what would constitute cultural theft by your standards. I’m not married to anything in this topic, so don’t have any canned attack on my clipboard or anything heh. And I’ll learn :)
My understanding is that a group infiltrates a culture to the point the culture becomes synonymous with it.
Otherwise there is no real point to it. Of course there are a lot of nazi people listening to hard rock. They are usually young men that would listen to hard rock no matter what their political view. But you can’t say hard rock is Nazi.
In the US, Norse Pagan is getting kinda white supremacy-y.
The ADL didn’t call Elon’s salute a hate symbol, I think we can rule out their expertise at the moment. Also: “Non-racist pagans may also use this symbol, so one should carefully examine it in context rather than assume that a particular use of the symbol is racist.”
If a Nazi says the sky is blue, that doesn’t make it green
But here’s another possible source, from a location that would know.
Witch girls are super rightwing now. A real weird flip.
What the fuck? How? Why? My witch girl comrades, no!
The absolute weirdest flip. The hyper feminism witch girl from my old highschool married an ICE agent. My super Wicca HR manager from two jobs back would do rituals for the police.
I dug into it and it’s not a unique experience. That demographic, somehow, went fascist real fast. It’s often attributed to “Conspiritualism” or holistic spiritual type peoples predisposition to accept wild conspiracy theories. The Alt Right works by rejecting the mainstream narratives and that aligns with their values. There’s a shared element of fetishizing the past and both groups show high recruitment when people feel powerless.
Tldr; There are no harmless fools. If you worship a rock, you will get a block. Ignorance has no place in civil society.
It’s similar to the granola-mom to alt-right pipeline. If you’re willing to believe things with no evidence, you can be made to believe anything.
I love the witchy girls, but there’s a difference between doing a ritual because you know it calms you and helps you think, vs thinking you’re actually dispelling demons. The latter are susceptible.
Oh yeah anyone who believes in magic is wackadoo woo, too far gone to help. I thought you meant women who have that style/vibe. I’m a man and I wish I could pull it off, it’s cool.
I am referring to them. That demographic is the same one who believes in crystals and has been shifting to the right for years. The Venn Diagram of houses with a used Tarot deck, a Ouiji Board, and a MAGA hat and it’s almost a circle.
There’s some alt girls that wear black and you might be confusing the two. You can pull an alt look off. It’s comically easy.
Well I’m in my 40s but I will say that I had a mohawk held up with wood glue and spraypaint in my 20s. After that look I went with really shitty white boy dreads. Then I went bald!
Ageing punks and balding. Name a more iconic duo. Municipal Waste shows just look like seas of pink potatoes bobbing up and down.
Edit: Probably Thrash Metal and balding. LOL
Warlock-core. Wish I could do it too
That is a weird one. Did they get swarmed by people looking for alternative medicine or something?
Skinhead culture.
Ok, but that’s the only one and even there, the presence of nationalism was there almost from the start.
How about the republican party in the USA?
Even the swastika was co-opted by them.
That’s not about over taking a culture.
Yes it is.
It’s not the same as expecting a group to take over punk rock.
You’re right, it’s way more dangerous.
Overtaking an icon is more dangerous than taking over a complete rock music ganre and it’s culture?
What are you even saying? If you just want to troll do it with someone else. Bye.
Miniature wargaming… 40K is especially fascy.
They’ve tried for punk subculture.
Been pretty successful with metal subculture.
Online nerd-subculture.
I’m sure there are many more… They’re in the op pic after all.
So Nazis are taking miniature wargaming?
Unironically supporting the supremacy of the Big E, purity of the human species, and fascism of the Emperium. Like folks missing the irony in Verhoven’s Starship Troopers.
That doesn’t make any sense. If I write a sci Fi story about space Nazis, that doesn’t mean Nazis are taking over literature.
I don’t think the person you’re replying to is accusing the authors of being Nazis. There are people out there who will support fascist characters in their favourite fictional universes, and when they go to social events like tabletop tournaments they’ll bring a lot of talking points that are very close to fascism with them
Yes, that happens in all areas and situations in life, but that has nothing to do with Nazis infiltrating anything.
I wonder if maybe the phrase “Nazis infiltrating” is ascribing it too much intention in your mind?
People with awful views on the world appear in all sorts of hobbies, you’re right, and that’s sort of what I mean by co-opting or infiltrating; it might not always be a concerted sneaky plan, but these people turn up in spaces with other people and are so disagreeable that it pushes everyone else away.
Yes I was ascribing it too much intention apparently. I don’t know, maybe because Im not a native speaker or something, it all sounded like it means there is a grand conspiracy to infiltrate beer (one of the stuff mentioned in op). Actually I still don’t understand how beer comes into this…
Yes. It’s been quite a big thing last 10 years or so.
Skinheads and oï weren’t nazis at first (and still aren’t for some part)
In some places, the SHARPs are the only skinheads around, which is nice.
And still aren’t for a big part.
Im pretty sure I’ve heard the term „goth maga“ before so there is that…
Edit: and I just looked it up and now I feel sick. They already have a website and everything. So yeah, there is that.
You’re underselling the cringe. It was “dark, gothic MAGA”
That’s not gonna stick. Maga are not cultured people. They don’t listen to music, they don’t delve into self reflection, they aren’t thinking about meaning and the universe. There is no art there.
Sure there are a few people here and there, that will make a website, but that’s not gonna hold.
The OG Nazis were very anti art. They called it degenerate. It’s just the same old player piano roll playing into infinity with nobody in the seat.
How about runes and Thor’s hammer?
I don’t think people think of Nazis when they see runes.
Then that’s out of ignorance.
Literally everything in the original post.
Punk Rock and black metal? I don’t know, I listen to a lot of that and I get rarely hear any Nazis making such music. Of course there are bands like that, but there are also some gay Nazis and we aren’t taking about Nazis appropriateing gayness.
You listen to a lot of black metal and are not aware of the Nazi problem? Come on some of the most well known black metal bands have Nazis in them everybody knows varg is a nazi.
Black metal has a whole nazi subgenre NSBM you have to be blind to not realize black metal has a nazi problem.
Then I’m blind. I don’t know what to tell you. There are also gay Nazis, but that doesn’t mean gay people have a Nazi problem.
They’re not comparable. Being a Nazi is a choice, like listening to Pantera. Being gay is not a choice, like being born with brown skin.
No comparison will be completely comparable. I’m trying to picture that the op is absurd.
Nazis don’t take over and steal cultures. They don’t take over any musical genre and just because there are some nazis that like anime, doesn’t mean anime is Nazi. That’s just simple a fallacy and I can’t comprehend why there are so many people arguing with me about it.
This is different than any group having the potential to have Nazis and you know it.
When burzum one of the most well known black metal bands has a Nazi as its sole musician and its just accepted along with many other bands having straight up self admitted Nazis there is a fucking nazi problem. Most genres of music are not like this. This is like saying oh black metal isn’t anti-Christian every group of people has christian haters there are only a few church burnings no big deal.
The first wave of black metal didn’t have as much Nazis as the 2nd wave the Nazis infiltrated
black metal is not inherently nazi but it does have a lot of Nazis in it black metal still has a nazi problem.
Nazis do steal cultures they have been doing it since the beginning the swastica wasn’t originally a symbol of hate the Nazis took it
Someone pointed out to me that I’m taking the words steal, infiltrate and take over too literally, which I was. I understand now that the point of the op is not to claim that there is a coordinated conspiracy to steal music genres and claim them for themselves, but to be mindful of the more risky genres (if we take music genres as an example). I thought it meant black metal was at risk to be taken over which I thought was absurd.
I think swastica is a terrible example for that.
Yes it is. I can compare gala apples to kanzi apples.
The reason so many people are arguing with you about it is that you are wrong. You should accept that first, and then you can grow as a person. It’s quite liberating.
You can compare apples to trains if you want to, that’s not the point.
The original post is a fallacy. Maybe you should accept that and grow as well.
Football perhaps, maybe football away games. All the trouble that some hooligans cause abroad. Thankfully football might be too big to fail, but they do give it a bad vibe at the worst of times.
Football? I don’t think people think of Nazis when they watch football
Then you need to do a little bit of reading and then come back.
I can do no reading and still be 100% right that people watching football are in large majority not Nazis.
Ah so you’re missing the point then. Is it ignorance or purposeful, I wonder.
Maybe you should work on the presentation of your point. Or maybe you should work on your listening skills and try to understand my point?
Or is it purposeful, I wonder?
I’ll take your imitation as flattering.
It’s the entire point about Nazi appropriation of subcultures that you’re missing, not any single point I’ve made.
Ok, what is my point then?