• Lv_InSaNe_vL
    172 days ago

    Actually the breed standards are changing to push breeders towards healthier dogs!

    They are call Retropugs and they tend to be bread with things like Terriers to give them functional skulls and spines!

    • sp3ctr4l
      152 days ago

      Oh thank god.

      I did not know this is occuring… I’ve known too many smashed faced pugs with serious lifelong health issues…

      One of them I knew, skittered around a kitchen floor as a puppy… ran into the kitchen island, and his eyeball popped out of the socket, haning on by the optic nerve.

      Its owner managed to get it to a vet and get the eye reinserted… and it seemed to kinda still work… but that pug had so, so many other health issues its whole life…
