Baldur’s Gate 3 has blown away expectations and redefined what an RPG can be, and that may put Bethesda’s upcoming Starfield in a rough spot.

  • I started with Morrowind and the dumbing down from that to Oblivion puts the dumbing down from Oblivion to Skyrim to shame.

    I’m sure those who started with Arena or Daggerfall would probably say the same about Morrowind, though.

    Fallout was less dumbed down, believe it or not, but I will never forgive them for removing my ability to aim for the eyes or the groin.

    • Cethin
      1 year ago

      The fact they removed the climbing skill from Daggerfall to Morrowind sucks. It gives an alternative to levitation (or buffed jumping) to non-magic characters. Then Todd liked barbarian characters and saw what magic characters could do, so they nerfed them to be about equal. In Skyrim magic characters are just worse in vanilla. You get so few options it’s stupid. Skyrim is just a bad game that mods have turned into something you can play again, though even then they’re worse than Morrowind or older in terms of options.

      I’m really hoping Starfield is a return to form with procedural generation and references to the classic games, but I doubt it. It’s possible it gives choice back to the players. I will absolutely praise them if they do, but if they’re just pandering I will do my best to roast them.