Well put! And please go vegan. Exploiting and murdering sentient beings by the billions in an industry too gruesome to look at because you are accustomed to a taste is peak capitalist cynicism.
I rely too much on meat for protein with my autoimmune disease (can’t eat a lot of plant-based proteins). That being said, the moment they start padding ground meat with bugmeal, or better yet lab grown meat, hits store shelves I’ll be happy to pay extra for that.
Well put! And please go vegan. Exploiting and murdering sentient beings by the billions in an industry too gruesome to look at because you are accustomed to a taste is peak capitalist cynicism.
I rely too much on meat for protein with my autoimmune disease (can’t eat a lot of plant-based proteins). That being said, the moment they start padding ground meat with bugmeal, or better yet lab grown meat, hits store shelves I’ll be happy to pay extra for that.