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This feels more like poignant food for thought and a call to be prepared for heavy rolls than actual news-news, but I don’t know where else to share it on, so my apologies if this content is better housed in a different community. I’m a reddit reject, so I’m still learning the norms here (and it appears I didn’t learn them there, for what it’s worth).

Thesis from the article: “It would be helpful if we stopped pretending this terrible chapter in American history won’t close without bloodshed…

I’ve read some great dystopian novels, but their settings were all in established dystopias. Life as We Knew It is the only one I’ve read that follows the devolution from onset to full maturation, although I only read the first book of the series. I guess World War Z is another example. Both of those books’ dystopias were catalyzed by major pseudonatural disasters. Anyone have any suggestions on other good titles that try to accurately portray what happens? I saw The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes-And Why suggested in a sub before my ban. Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich is probably another good place to start as well.

  • @[email protected]
    332 days ago

    I was saying this as soon as it became clear more people voted for him in 2020 than in 2016. This was after hundreds of thousands were dead from COVID, the George Floyd protests, and all his other BULLSHIT.

    I don’t want violence or a civil war but you do not defeat authoritarians/fascists with ideas. They only understand one thing: force.

    The best we can hope for is that Trump and his sycophants hurt enough of their own cult for them to wake up but I think they’re in too deep.

    • @[email protected]
      32 days ago

      Maybe crashing the stock market for 2.000 Billions in just a month could help a little there?

      • @[email protected]
        52 days ago

        It will have to be bad for months for it to even register for some people. The billionaires just see this as temporary. The cult thinks groceries are going to magically cost less one day.

    • @[email protected]
      22 days ago

      I’m fine with letting them have whatever they have so long as they let the rest of us secede. America is proven to be a failure and liberal minded people are no longer represented. If they want to fight us a la civil war to force us to stay in I’m willing to shed blood, but it would be better for everyone if they just let the country go it’s separate ways.