I’m thinking the Strada EP1 would be the best you can get today?

Electronic pressure profiling, with a saturated head and all the high quality you’d expect from a LM machine.

  • @thepianistfroggollum
    52 years ago

    The aeropress is actually what got me away from drip brewers, but I drink way too much coffee for it to be my main method. It was nice to use when I was working out of the office, though.

    I’m about to do an experiment on which immersion brewing method is best. My plan is to 5 different brews in 8oz mason jars: boiling water and short steep (normal), boiling water and 24h steep, sun coffee (just letting it sit in the sun all day), room temperature 24h steep, and fridge 24h steep. I’m betting option 2 is the worst.