Where you absolutely refuse to go the cheap way.

For me its deodorant. Everything else I’ve found but my chosen brand fails me.

  • JavaTea
    12211 months ago

    Everything that is under you. Shoes, mattress, bike, car, desk chair etc.

    Cheaping out on the above will cost you more in hospital and physical therapy bills.

    • LemmyLefty
      3011 months ago

      Good comment! It’s a great rule of thumb.

      I’ll add: a good bike helmet, which is a single-use item. One knock to the head and the helmet’s dead: if you are okay it’s done its job.

    • @everlong
      911 months ago

      “Don’t skimp on things that seperate your ass from the road.”

      Includes tires, helmets or PPE, furniture and what you said.

      One of my dads advice nuggets. Has yet to fail me.

    • @[email protected]
      111 months ago

      I wanted to buy new good shoes, but I can’t find good ones. 😫 to be fair though, my feet are weird sizes.

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        See if you can get Joya shoes where you live. They’re like walking on clouds. I’ve recommended then to everyone I know, but most ignore the tip. The ones who’s gotten a pair thanks me afterwards. You’ll NEVER hurt under your feet, no matter how much you walk in a day.