I am asking here because all the political subs don’t allow a question, and US politics used to seemed so simple until to understand this man came along.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Because this needs to be done 1000% right, there is no margin for error, everything has to be done in an iron clad manner that cannot be dismantled by half-assing it. Indicting a former president is a first in the history of this country, and this former president is nothing short of a cult leader with millions of unshakable followers, many of whom are armed to the teeth and ready to burn this country to the ground for him. So this has to be done very friggin carefully.

    • @[email protected]
      671 year ago

      Like Mueller half-assed it and the end result was nearly a fucking coup. Can’t let that happen again.

      • @[email protected]
        711 year ago

        Mueller didn’t half ass anything. He conducted his investigation and determined that crimes were likely committed, but that he didn’t have the power to bring charges in his position as special counsel and it would be up to the AG.

        Which is true. A DOJ special counsel is not the same thing as the independent counsel that used to exist, which was what Ken Starr was when he investigated Clinton.

        A DOJ special counsel is completely beholden to the AG and DOJ policies and can’t bring charges without the AG signing off on them.

        If you actually read the mueller report, it’s extremely damning and he turned it over to the AG and Congress to do something about it. The AG declined to bring any charges based on a DOJ memorandum that says a sitting POTUS cannot be charged. The House impeached Trump over the findings and the Senate failed to convict and remove him.

        The current AG could still bring criminal charges over the conclusion of the report, but at this point it’s been so highly politicized that it would be impossible to get a conviction on.

        • @[email protected]
          391 year ago

          Stop saying “the AG”. Say his fucking traitor name. William Barr. Who only got cold feet at the 11th hour when the groundwork for the coup was already being made.

          The Mueller report - as you say, damning - was completed and then given to this scum, who withheld it, released a “summary”, claimed it found no wrongdoing whatsoever, eventually released a heavily redacted version…

          I mean I remember it happening. This slimy fuck. He got a report that said the many ways Trump did illegal shit, but since he was the one who could choose when and how to release it, he was able to get ahead of the media by saying all kinds of bullshit lies. By the time he was finally forced to release the real report, it was too late, the “Trump did nothing wrong” story was already too far out there.

          Look, I’m glad he finally, barely, by the skin of his teeth did the right thing and said there was no fraud in the 2020 election. But we should not forget that brazen bullshit he pulled in front of Congress and the American people.

          • BNE
            11 year ago

            Exactly. It’s insane we need to remember details like this but here we are.

        • Wincing 🌍
          21 year ago

          @Earthwormjim91 I am wondering if that is the reason we are not seeing any of the Trump kinds getting indicted To not make it look like justice is hunting them and legitimize the poplitical lies?

          • @[email protected]
            181 year ago

            It was the only thing that could have been done when republicans controlled the DOJ and the Senate.

            Maybe if people in the Midwest weren’t complete idiots we would have had Clinton instead and not had four years of irreversible damage plus a generation of scotus that is hell bent on dismantling everything.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              Please don’t depress me from the reminder that Obama/Hillary should have seated 3 SCOTUS justices, cementing sanity for a generation.

            • @[email protected]
              -121 year ago

              Seems weird to think that something that accomplished absolutely nothing is a good use of taxpayer money but go off fam on the midwest.

              • @[email protected]
                121 year ago

                It accomplished the third presidential impeachment in history and very likely helped lead to Biden winning and Trump not getting four more years.

                Saying absolutely nothing is just defeatism at its best.

                Just because it didn’t lead to the right conclusion doesn’t mean it accomplished nothing.

                • @[email protected]
                  71 year ago

                  Just because it didn’t lead to the right conclusion doesn’t mean it accomplished nothing.

                  Plus the evidence discovered during te investigation stillnexists and is still part of the official record, meaning it can be used to support any future legal actions. And will serve as information for future historians looking back at this era.

                  Hopefully it can be used as part of some future “those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it” systemic improvements.

      • @[email protected]
        331 year ago

        Muller half assed the investigation, on top of that corrupt Barr hid all the important findings, and Bitch McConnell swept the whole treason under the rug - that all lead Orange Man to be even bolder with his treason and rise of blatant lawlessness within the Republican Party.

        I don’t disagree with what you said but I just wanted to point out how entire republican machinery is responsible for the imminent death of democracy in this country. Not just Muller’s half assed investigation.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I would kind of agree with you but I think it’s more that there are Republicans blocking any way they can and the ominous shadow of a compromised SCOTUS:



      Edit: what’s up with the fuks in the web address, lol

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      So why do we have to be so afraid of his followers that we are giving him special treatment to dissuade their violence? Instead of, you know, fighting back or having them jailed too. 🤦

      • monsterpiece42
        41 year ago

        Nearly 63,000,000 people voted for trump in '16.

        If even 1% of them are crazy fucks, that’s 630,000 people to deal with. That’s not something to take lightly.

        Doesn’t make it right, but it’s another layer of complexity.

    • @[email protected]
      -301 year ago

      If it was really that bad the cia would have him killed. It’s just because he had a good team of lawyers to make sure that when he did anything he did it was either defendable or on someone else so it’s hard to get him.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Absolutely. You can estimate the number of true followers he has by looking at how many people use truth social (it’s still a thing) in comparison to pre-musk twitter. It’s a vocal minority. The only reason trump was able to get where he did was by getting the electoral college to believe he was the lesser evil (not gonna get into voter fraud) (and being really, really rich). They have him killed in such a way that it seems like it wasn’t them and he is still viewed as a martyr by few, but not all. Even if they truly believe that he was what they said he was, it won’t matter because no one rich enough exists that would want to replace him. They would be okay to do that.

      • qaz
        81 year ago

        The CIA really isn’t going to assasinate a prominent politician, let alone a former president. It would have massive consequences from delegitimizing the democratic system to causing riots all around the country.