• Flying Squid
      371 year ago

      They literally quoted Hitler in a big isolated box on top of one of their groups’ newsletters, and when there was a moment of silence for Holocaust victims at the town meeting following the incident, they coughed through it.

      That’s pretty goddamn hateful.

    • @[email protected]
      251 year ago

      This trans book reading example is ridiculous. It was never something people had to do. Kids were never being randomly sat down to do it. It was an intentional thing that everybody agreed to, and was aware of ahead of time. Are you trying to tell other parents how to raise their kids? Because that’s what you’re doing. Why are you trying to control other people’s lives?

        • @[email protected]
          151 year ago

          So I should have my ability to read castrated because you think some books aren’t appropriate? I was reading college level books in elementary school, if books were gated by “age appropriateness”, I would never have become a good reader, because books “my age” were crap. You have no right to dictate what someone else can or can’t read, even your own children. People are their own, you don’t own them.

              • @[email protected]
                81 year ago

                He thinks that being involved in his children’s lives means he gets to dictate that other people’s children are raised to be bigots.

            • @[email protected]
              51 year ago

              But I don’t need to be in charge of everyone else’s kids in school. At this point I’m pretty sure you are trolling. You don’t need every book in the library to be screened by every single parent, there would be nothing left. And certainly not screened by you if you don’t even have school kids. Again - if you want your kid ignorant of everyone different from them, your remedy is homeschooling. Not censoring every challenging idea out of the public school curriculum. Some parents don’t want evolution taught in school, should schools bend to them too?

                • @[email protected]
                  31 year ago

                  Yes I am denying it based on direct experience, you are claiming it based on hearsay. Turn off YouTube and go volunteer at a school, if you can pass the background screening. Get out of your bubble and into the world.

                  And honestly I will never understand why anyone feels threatened by gay people or families with gay parents, or men in women’s clothing or women in men’s clothing. None of that is threatening. It’s not violent, it’s not pushy, they aren’t going door to door like Jehovah’s Witnesses trying to get you to put on a dress, or telling you you are going to hell for being straight.

        • @[email protected]
          131 year ago

          Do you have kids in school? I do, and there is no indoctrination except the pledge of allegiance. If you object to what the school teaches, the remedy open to you is homeschooling, not trying to strong-arm the school down to the lowest common denominator.

          And if you’ve ever had to do child sexual abuse/trafficking awareness training you would have learned that the risk to kids comes from people the adults trust. The preacher, the camp counselor, uncle. Not drag queens reading library books to families. That harms nobody. If you don’t want to attend, don’t.

          Libraries, the ones my tax dollars support, should be free from religious control. Separation of church and state is constitutionally mandated. Again, if you object to this you have churches, church schools, and homeschooling, all of which are allowed. You are allowed your beliefs and biases, but not to push your restrictions on everyone else.

            • @[email protected]
              61 year ago

              Back during the riots…errr, sorry the protests by BLM, the school allowed BLM flags everywhere but no pro police or support the blue flags.

              It’s nice to know that in addition to hating LGBTQ people, you also love it when cops murder unarmed black people for you.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 year ago

                  You whined that the school didn’t allow your “we support cops for murdering black people” flags. Maybe they respected the US flag more than those who keep desecrating it into the fascist thin blue line flag.

                  EDIT: Also, the BLM protests happened when schools were closed due to Trump’s shitty mishandling of the pandemic. And most of the protests happened during summer. Do you think schools go all out for decorating and events during remedial summer classes? You were just making shit up because you wanted to pretend that you’re persecuted.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              Agreed. Politicians should 100% stay the fuck away from the school curriculum. Just let teachers do their job.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Moms for Liberty is a hate group. If the name has liberty or freedom in the name, it likely is a hate group.

        • @[email protected]
          101 year ago

          Moms for liberty simply want to protect their kids from the wrong material.

          I missed the part when books leap of their own volition from library shelves and force children to read them. If you’re too worthless and lazy of a parent to monitor what your child is reading, that’s on you.

          Of course, this isn’t about protecting children, or the parents who are screaming about it could just do that. It’s about making sure no one can read things that bigots don’t want them to read. It’s telling that Moms For Liberty not only never has a problem with Mein Kampf being on library shelves, they quote its author in their newsletter.

          Banning books about trans people is literally nazi shit. And it’s why you support them.

            • @[email protected]
              21 year ago

              Enough with the Nazi references

              Yeah, only Moms for Liberty may make nazi references, because neither you nor they like it when people who disagree with nazis talk about them.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      I’ll bite. Where is your citation that hyper agressive LGBTQ parents are getting books from the library to push their agenda. And any citations for damage done to kids by men in drag reading books to third graders? These actions that Moms for liberty take have no data to back them up as being connected to protecting kids from what they say they are protecting them from. Now I will agree that doesn’t prove they are a hate group. That is always a matter of opinion anyway. But your counter argument about citations counters itself since you offer no citations either. And for everyone reading, go look up the movie PCU. It’s funny but also pretty accurate. Many people on both sides of the extremes are just causeheads.