Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday criticized Meta for blocking domestic news from its platforms, saying the Facebook-parent was prioritizing profit over safety as devastating wildfires force tens of thousands to evacuate their homes.

Trudeau’s comments represent the latest government attack on Meta, which this month started blocking news on its Facebook and Instagram platforms for all users in Canada in response to a new law requiring internet giants to pay for news articles.

  • @[email protected]
    811 months ago

    Threaten to ban the whole fuckin site and he done with it. Garbage ass social platform. See how they play ball then.

    • @Skelectrician
      -2311 months ago

      Spoken like a true Liberal.

      If it weren’t for the government dicking with the internet, the social media aggregators wouldn’t have given up linking to news articles.

      Now you just expect them to “play ball” or else.

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            You mean the news organizations that didn’t give a platform to the alt right, Q anon, 1%ers, 3%ers, orange vest movements, separatists, truckers convoy, covidiots, neo nazi groups, proud boys, RFKers, etc etc etc? Those news orgs?

              • @[email protected]
                010 months ago

                Lol what are you insinuating? Postmedia is right leaning but in no way shape or form is it on the same level or did it inflict the same damage as Meta and it’s brands.

        • WhipTheLlama
          010 months ago

          Canada shouldn’t become a country where the government decides what we see, hear, and do. They already meddle in that too much, and blocking websites that aren’t engaging in illegal activity is absurd. Will they block the Fediverse next?

          All Meta is doing here is complying with the new law. The government said “pay to link to news sites or stop linking to them” and that’s exactly what Meta is doing. It’s another stupid law pushed by corporate Canada for their own benefit, and now they’re surprised at the most obvious outcome.

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            They don’t police what we hear, see, or do. At all. What they should do is ban platforms that refuse to be responsible for the misinformation on their platforms. Especially when that misinformation leads to emergencies like the trucker convoy. Or the misinformation that lead to the vast amount of anti-vaxx sentiment. Just need to look at our closest neighbors to see how well unfettered free speech is going.

          • @Skelectrician
            -110 months ago

            This place is a commie echo chamber even more deranged than Reddit was. Good luck expressing any sort of dissenting opinion.

              • @Skelectrician
                110 months ago

                A business chose not to do business with us as an entire country because our government legislated them out of the market. It’s absolutely fucking hilarious when the same government makes idle threats towards the same business because they aren’t providing the same service they provided before the government made it clear that they would tax every post and regulate the internet by enforcing taxes on hyperlinks.

                Our government has made the sharing of information a taxable manoeuvre. No fucking wonder referenced megacorp said “I’m just not gonna.”