1. How long in total years have you been in chastity (caged or uncaged, and could be with multiple Doms/Dommes)
  2. If you are currently in chastity - How long have you been in current active relationship?
  3. If you are currently not in chasity - How long has it been since you have been “free”? To be clear - intent of this question is not a solicitation by me or to circumvent Rule 6 at sidebar.

Disclosure: This post is obviously a very blatant SHAMELESS attempt 😜 by me to jumpstart this community and generate some activity/discussion (after 2 months of no activity since comm’s existence)

  • @Thisisdefinitelynot
    22 years ago

    I’ve only started about a month or so ago. No active relationship. Doing this of my own accord to masturbate less and make what orgasms I do allow myself to have better.

    • b9999998OPM
      22 years ago

      Welcome to community - and a new fun world ahead of you as you explore and gain more experience. Please feel free to ask questions - start new discussions, etc.

      Great posts you’ve done so far 👍. I’m curious if you’ve also discovered ruined orgasms (self-ones included) - pls check out [email protected] if interested.

      • @Thisisdefinitelynot
        22 years ago

        I’ve tried ruining before but never followed through. Hopefully chastity will give me the discipline to finally do it.

        • b9999998OPM
          22 years ago

          Just do it! 😀 You’ll be motivated once you discover that you’ll stay hard after your ruined orgasm, and be able to continue your fapping, etc… for a couple more rounds…