These companies paid their employees a median wage of $31,672 in 2022, while their CEOs took home an average $15.3m

  • @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    Haha what the fuck do you think we’re talking about here? Nobody said lower CEO pay or anything about a ceiling, we’re talking about lessening the pay gap by enforcing a ratio. If CEOs want to make huge wages they need to pay employees more. This is grade school math dude.

    Obviously you’re trolling and I’m just feeding it, but on the small chance that you’re not… Well shit man, maybe don’t dig yourself into stances so strongly if you can’t do basic math?

    • @[email protected]
      010 months ago

      Dude scroll up. Unless buddy edited the post, this entire response thread was a reply calling for reducing ceo pay to fix the ratio. Which I maintain, despite all the name calling, doesn’t fucking help anything at all

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        No, it wasn’t. You did a dumb, you doubled down swinging, and now you’re trying to point the finger and lash out at everyone else out of embarrassment. Have some humility and own it or delete your comments in shame lol.