Pennsylvania plans to end on Dec. 31 its longstanding contract with the nonprofit Real Alternatives, the first organization in the nation to secure significant state and federal subsidies to support anti-abortion counseling centers. Under the program, Real Alternatives distributed the state and federal funds to dozens of Pennsylvania centers, including Catholic Charities, anti-abortion counseling centers and maternity homes, which provide support and housing for pregnant women.

Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro said in a statement his administration would not “continue that pattern” of subsidizing the organization, saying he was steadfast in defending abortion access.

Tens of millions of taxpayer dollars across the U.S. have been sent to such organizations, which are typically religiously affiliated. Since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the right to abortion last year, Republican-led states have sent more tax dollars to what are sometimes called “crisis pregnancy centers,” while Democratic-leaning states apply more scrutiny to them.

  • NYPariah
    162 years ago

    This is such a backward state. I mean we have State liquor stores. I’ll take any hint of progressive movement forward.

    • KrombopulosMikl
      102 years ago

      Yep. We can’t have state run vehicle inspections, but we have state run liquor stores.

      I’m originally from FL. Once upon a time it was a liberal state, but it’s constantly flooded with new immigrants from the north that don’t want to pay taxes (aka Freeloaders) who are mostly right wingers. I’m hopeful that this trend will continue and that enough right wingers from PA will move there and result in PA becoming a little less conservative.

    • setVeryLoud(true);
      22 years ago

      Huh? Most Canadian provinces have provincial liquor store, like SAQ, LCBO and MBLL. I don’t think that part is particularly backwards. Quebec even has the provincial SQDC store for cannabis.