obligatory preface: we’re 100%-user funded and everything you donate to us specifically goes to the website, or any outside labor we pay to do something for us.

overall expenses this month: $264.50

We downsized this month which has significantly brought down our costs, but it involved quite a few steps so it’s a bit complicated to roll everything up. For simplicity purposes I rolled all the snapshots, backups, and hosting together for old/new droplets by service.

$177.46 for Digital Ocean hosting, which can be further subdivided into

  • $157.50 for hosting the site itself
  • $2.28 for backups
  • $17.68 for site snapshots

$29.60 for Hive, an internal chat platform we’ve set up (also being hosted on Digital Ocean)

  • $24.00 for hosting Hive
  • $4.80 for backups
  • $0.80 for snapshots

~$39.16 for email functionality, which can be further subdivided into

  • $35/mo for Mailgun (handles outbound emails, so approval/denial/notifications emails; also lets us not get marked as spam)
  • ~$4.16/mo ($50/yr, already paid in full) for Fastmail (handles all inbound emails)

$18.28 for BackBlaze (redundant backup system that’s standalone from Digital Ocean)

overall contributions this month: $1,033.82

support still more than covers our expenses, thank you everyone! breakdown is:

  • 114 monthly contributions, totaling $793.82
  • 12 one-time donations, totaling $240.00 It seems like the majority of our flow has shifted to monthly contributions and we are still sustainable overall

total end of month balance: $4,701.66

expense runway, assuming no further donations

  • assuming expenses like ours this month: we have about 17 months and three weeks of runway
  • shoe
    221 year ago

    The longer I am on Beehaw the more I appreciate it. Proud to be a contributor and grateful for you all 🐝👍