Canada Bread has agreed to pay at least $50 million for its role in fixing the price of bread for years, according to documents filed in an Ontario court.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    Nice. In what seemed like reponse to getting caught years back Real Canadian Superstore in our area at least changed from an amazing in store bread recipe to some cheap ass crap. The regular loaves, french bread, italian, and buns are now this airy flavourless recipe in all the instore backed stuff. Maybe to keep the same profit after bread prices changed?? if it is only regional then some manager made a terrible decision.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      the sobeys in my area has some decent in-house bread. i can’t get a decent loaf of third-party bread off the shelves anymore - it’s all wonderbread etc. was really loving dave’s killer bread but it’s been seemingly replaced by extremely mediocre bread with similar marketing, as if i’m buying the packaging.

      not a lot of respect for consumers on display

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Yep, we actually stopped shopping for our full grocery shop there; since bread was a staple. they lured us back with a package change claiming it was a new recipe. it was the same garbage recipe just in a new bag. The bakery I like is too far for normal shopping. i have been baking my own instead, as you said all the store bread now is this wonderbread style garbage.