Bethesda’s latest can’t help but feel shallow by comparison.

  • Bo7a
    41 year ago

    Thanks for this comment. I seem to have made all the wrong choices. Which can be seen by the fact that every conversation has basically led to me fighting entire towns to such extent that I can no longer find vendors to sell to :p

    I was considering just re-rolling and trying harder to please the NPCs. But if the playthrough is salvageable, I will stick it out.

    • snooggums
      51 year ago

      I dunno, sounds like a fun time to me!

      Currently on my first playthrough as a team player, but strongly considering going full on antagonist on a subsequent playthrough. Heck, on the first goblin base at the beginning I even saved before entering and after getting buddy buddy with them I saved and then loaded the prior save and just went in crossbows blazing for the fun of it to see how different the outcomes were.

      This game is going to be very fun to replay with different approaches!

      • Bo7a
        41 year ago

        I think the next playthrough I’ll have understood a lot of the basics better and understand how NPCs will react.

        I really role played through this one as a weird barbarian stoner who would rather not fight if possible but when any NPC insults anyone in my party the fight is on.

        Kind of like me in real life. But with a lot more crossbow action!