The move would extend her 36-year House career and continue to freeze her would-be California successors in a long-standing holding pattern.

  • @[email protected]
    01 year ago

    Okay…but look at biden’s long and pretty problematic history. In his long tenure, he’s racked up quite the laundry list of entirely wrong-side-of-history moments. It’s incredibly rare to get an ideologue who stays idealistic and continues to fight for the people. Bernie sanders is literally the only example in our…entire history as a country? Unless someone can prove otherwise.

    Not to mention, the president doesn’t really work bills through congress. Yes, of course there is influence, but the whips and lobbyists are the ones peddling the influence—which goes to exactly what we’re saying. There is a long-standing and deeply flawed “established order” to American politics. How do people stay in office? They make the right friends in donors, they get some empty applause-line accomplishments, or they pander like hell. Usually all three. But most important among them is protecting their asses from the party, and staying on their good side. Look at how much time is spent fundraising. There is no way that doesn’t entirely warp your perception on what is important over time. When these congresspeople have 95% of their direct interaction with constituents coming from high level donor phonecalls…that definitely has an effect.

    Biden’s long history is only a selling point for the people he’s friends with, and vice versa. Because all his sway comes from the long held relationships with OTHER people who shouldn’t be in politics anymore. Trading favors as old friends isn’t a selling point to no term limits.

    • AFK BRB Chocolate
      21 year ago

      Biden has a long history, and I agree he hasn’t always made the right call, but he took to the Senate in 73, and he’s voted on and sponsored an awful lot of legislation. Find me someone who can do a job like that for 50 years without making an error in judgement and we should canonize them. He’s also become more enlightened on a number of issues, articulate why, and changed his opinion (and how he votes) on them.

      But I wasn’t meaning to hold Biden up as the guy to emulate, I’m just saying that his long experience is much of what makes him effective - he knows how to work the system. We should get rid of people who aren’t effective or are effective at doing the wrong thing, but I don’t think we should get rid of an effective person who does the right thing just because of the number of birthdays they’ve had.