Hey there lurkers and potential posters! This is a replica of the femdom community subreddit, so I assume most of you are already familear with the concept.

I wanted to carve out a little spot where those in, or are interested in, a femdom / FLR dynamic can talk and learn from each other. While I assume this community will be weighted towards the submissive side, it is open to all genders, as well as both submissive and dominant people (and even switches, you little greedy sluts :p)

I guess a bit about me… I’m a sub that is in a long term monogamous relationship that has been going on for close to 10 years. While it hasn’t always followed a femdom dynamic, we have been successfully incorporating femdom into our lives for 5+ years now, and our relationship is much stronger and more fulfilling because of it.

Having communities like this act as a way for us to share knowledge and experience - and hopefully learn something ourselves.


Now, one last important bit:

Sexuality, and understanding what your sexual preferences are can be a complex and confusing process- and can often lead to negative feelings towards yourself. Know that its not wrong to like certain dynamics, and understand that this is an open and accepting community. Dont pass judgment on what others might be into. If you dont have something nice to say… Dont say anything, and reflect internally on why you feel the way you do.

I dont want to go all supermod yet and list out a bunch of rules, so re-read the last paragraph. It basically boils down to not being an asshole. Hopefully that + the instance wide rules on not having any illegal content works well enough while the community starts getting built out.

Now, on a more light hearted note, Welcome, and happy to have you here!

  • @omisspearl
    21 year ago

    Oh Hai! We found you! ❤️