The Party Gift bygetoverit©
“I will see you after class.” Said Heidi’s 20-year-old boyfriend Danny, waving to his lovely 19-year-old girlfriend as he walked away to catch his own lecture.
Heidi thought to herself that she was very lucky. It was their second week of class, but their third in the country and she had already begun to feel comfortable.
It helped that they were both already quite fluent in English having been brought up to learn it as a second language from a young age, which is quite common where they are from. However, even though they were fluent, they were still often confused by American custom and tradition. Greetings, social rituals, societal norms, etc.
Heidi was quite happy that day to be entering her composition writing class, because she was making a very interesting friend in this class. She was a small, charming, bubbly girl named was Haley.
On the first day of class Haley engaged Heidi immediately, revealing that she was really into her country’s culture and music.
Heidi was initially overwhelmed by the small girl’s bright blue hair, and her cheerful over the top personality, but resolved that she definitely liked her. And therefore very much wanted her as a friend.
As Heidi entered the small classroom she saw Haley sitting in her regular seat, and was delighted to see her friend, but was immediately deterred by Haley’s behavior.
For the two weeks that Heidi had known Haley she was always very very happy, but today she looked quite distressed, and exceptionally contemplative.
Heidi walked up to Haley, and gently pulled out the chair to sit next to her.
“Oh hey beautiful girl!” Said Haley immediately perking up once she noticed Heidi’s presence. Heidi blushed at the compliment. She was a very pretty girl, but in her culture such overt compliments were not commonly shared. Especially between relatively new friends.
“Hello Haley.” Said Heidi tying to gain her composure. “Are you feeling well today?” She asked referring to her friend’s former downcast.
“Oh sure! I’m just trying to solve this issue I’ve got on my plate.” Said Haley, staring for a prolonged period of time at Heidi’s face. “Yah know. You really are quite the looker Heidi.” Haley said suddenly still staring.
“Thank you very much for saying these kind things to me.” Said Heidi, her round cheeks blushing again.
Ever since she got to America another thing she noticed is that people, mainly guys, would stare at her often. She was petite in stature and had long dark brown hair with bangs cut above her deep, dark eyes. Her face was very very pretty. This fact was commented on often since she was little. Her body was quite nice as well. She had thick thighs, a very nice butt, and sizable breast that weren’t necessarily characteristic of a girl of her nationality, but these things she was always very modest about. In her country sexuality of any sort in public was very much frowned upon.
“It’s my pleasure cutie.” Said Haley still staring at Heidi, her eyes narrowing slightly. She only turned away when the professor walked in to begin the lesson.
After class Haley stopped Heidi in the hall.
“Hey! Heidi!”
Heidi turned around confused and a little startled by her friend’s loud greeting.
“Hello Haley. Did you enjoy the lesson today?” She said as they walked side by side down the hallway.
“Yeah it was great.” The small pixie like girl responded brushing off her foreign friend’s inexperienced small talk. “Listen. I just wanted to tell you that I told all of my friends about you, and they’re just dying to meet you.” Heidi beamed at this excited to make new friends. “And they want to throw you a party this Friday to get to know you and welcome you to our country!”
“That sounds wonderful Haley!” Said Heidi the happiest she’s been since she had first gotten to America.
“OH! And we had even been thinking for a while, and we think we’ve come up with the perfect gift to give you to welcome you officially!” Said Haley.
“Oh you did not have to do that.” Said Heidi very seriously.
“But we wanted to!” Said Haley insistently.
“What is it?” Queried Heidi hoping that it wasn’t anything expensive.
“It’s a surprise silly.” Said Haley laughing. “But I’ll give you a hint. It’s very unique, and a very special tradition in America.”
“Oh okay.” Said Heidi a little confused. “Well thank you very much. For everything.” She said bowing.
“Don’t thank me yet sweetie!” Said Haley grinning as she pulled out her phone. “Here let me get your number and I’ll send you the details.”
Heidi felt overjoyed by all of this, and couldn’t wait to tell Danny all about it.
As Danny and Heidi walked up to the apartment they stopped at a street lamp to check to see if everything was in order.
Heidi looked gorgeous. Her makeup was done up with cat like eyeliner and red lipstick that extenuated her already full lips. Her hair was tied back in a careful ponytail with black ribbon, and she wore a purple short sleeve button up blouse she had tucked into a black skirt.
Danny looked at her in the streetlight, brushing a stray hair out of her face. “Beautiful.” He said.
Heidi blushed. Even romantic gestures in public as simple as this were a bit taboo back home.
She thought her boyfriend looked quite handsome as well. He had his black hair combed back and wore a long sleeve purple button up with black slacks. They had matched on purpose. This was a common cultural theme among the more recent generations of their country.
Confident everything was in its place the couple walked up to the door and gave it a knock.
“Hiiiiiii…” Said Haley as she opened the door happy to see Heidi, but a little surprised she brought company.
“Who is this?” She asked a little uneasy.
“Oh I’m so sorry!” Said Heidi completely forgetting to ask if it was okay to bring along a plus one. “This is my boyfriend Danny.”
“Great!..” Said Haley still uneasy. “Well come on in!”
The couple walked into the living room to meet their prospective new friends.
“Hey everyone! This is my friend I was telling you about Heidi!” Said Haley grabbing everyone’s attention.
“Wow she is gorgeous.” Said a pretty, voluptuous girl with dark hair and blonde bangs. “Hi. My name is Destiny!” She said with a wave.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Said Heidi bowing, cheeks a little pink from all the attention.
“And who is this with you?” Destiny said gesturing to Danny.
“Oh! This is Danny.” Said Heidi. Danny bowed to the room.
“Her boyfriend.” Added Haley. At this statement the room suddenly felt a little off.
Danny uncomfortably rocked back and forth wondering if he was welcome until a handsome guy with brown hair stood up to break the silence.
“How’s it going man?” The guy said sticking out his hand. “My name’s Jackson it’s nice to meet you.” He said hospitably.
“Nice to meet you too.” Said Danny deciding he liked this guy. He had not made friends as quickly as his girlfriend and was excited for the opportunity.
“This is John.” Jackson said gesturing to a guy with clean cut military style hair who stood up to shake Danny’s hand.
“Nice to meet you.” Said Danny extending his hand, but winced a little at the man’s strong handshake. Danny wasn’t so sure about this guy.
“And then there’s Meredith.” Said Haley gesturing to a plain looking girl with a hippy looking dress on. “And Mackenzie.” She said gesturing to a dirty-blonde, cold looking, but otherwise very pretty girl wearing a large brimmed black hat, a favorite of hipsters.
“And then there’s Brady, but you’ll meet him soon.” Said Jackson looking at Haley questioningly.
“Yeah he’s actually on his way with your gift!” Responded Haley quickly. “Oh I really hope you’ll both like it.” She said smiling at the couple.
“Well thank you all so much for doing this for me.” Said Heidi addressing the room. “It is hard making new friends in a new country, so I am very glad to know you all.” She said bowing.
“Aweeeee. So sweet.” Said Destiny endearingly eyeing the shy girl.
“Let’s get you both a drink, and kick this party off.” Said Jackson patting Danny on the shoulder.
“Sooooo. Tell me about where you both came from?” Said Destiny sitting across from the couple beside Jackson as everyone else went about their partying business.
“Uhm… Well we are both from XXXXX.” Said Heidi nervously running her fingers along the red plastic cup in her hand filled with wine. She knew she wasn’t yet great at American small talk and really wanted these people to like her.
“It is very different culturally.” Said Danny gesturing with one hand, a drink in the other. He tried to sound confident for them both.
“How do you mean?” Asked Jackson inquisitively.
“It’s very uh… Conservative. A lot of the things we see here are considered… Unusual in Korea.” Said Danny.
“Like what?” Said Destiny leaning forward inadvertently, and a bit ironically, showing off her bountiful cleavage.
“Like uhm…” Said Danny embarrassed trying to avert his gaze. His cheeks were burning red at the sight.
“Like dating!” Said Heidi a little abruptly also a little flustered by Destiny’s breasts.
“Dating?” Said Destiny leaning back to take a sip of her drink.
“Yeah.” Said Danny regaining his composure. “Back home if you are young and you date it is considered inappropriate if you are too… Too…”
“Affectionate?” Said Destiny helping the struggling guy out.
“Yes.” Said Danny a little embarrassed.
“So you all are saying it’s just more conservative overall?” Asked Jackson.
“Yes.” Answered Heidi. “But Danny and I are open to American culture and hope to learn a lot and grow by meeting new friends!” She said to assure their new friends that they were going to try to be cool.
“Well that’s great to hear.” Said Destiny smiling artfully.
And he was. Big but not massive, very perky not at all sagging, perfectly round and not oblong. Capped by perfect puffy nipples that begged to be suckled.
Heidi was blushing, but was starting to get turned on by the attention. She smiled at the crowd of admirers bashfully.
Brady couldn’t take it anymore as he wrapped an arm around the young foreign girl. He drew her in and started sucking on her tits, which caused her to gasp out of surprise and then out if pleasure.
This caused Danny to wince.
“Uh uh uh.” Said John keeping an eye on him.
“It’s okay Danny.” Said Heidi looking over her shoulder. “I am getting to see him naked so it’s only fair I am too.” She said, and then let out a moan as Brady’s tongue flicked against her areola spastically. She turned around stroking his bearded face as he set to work. “And I did get to suck on his big big dick. So it makes sense that he gets to suck on my breasts.”
“Your big big breasts.” Commented Haley still in awe.
The beautiful foreign girl continued to stroke the chubby American’s beard as he enjoyed her full breasts.
“So you really love your gift?” Said Haley.
“I do.” She responded reaching down to grab it, and started stroking it tenderly. “It is so powerful and manly. It is comforting and makes me feel welcome. It’s the perfect welcoming gift. Thank you so much for everything.” Said Heidi sincerely.
“Hey don’t thank me now! You’re not done yet cutie!” Said Haley.
“What do you mean?” Said Heidi confused.
“Well I didn’t get you a big dick just so you could suck on it silly.” Said Haley.
“But what more could I ask for?” Said Heidi.
“Heidi, do you know what the primary function of a dick is?” Questioned Haley.
“Wait… You mean I… To… Fuck?” Questioned Heidi unused to curse words hoping she used it correctly.
Danny started to make a motion but stopped as John and Jackson stood up and walked over next to him.
“That’s right.” Said Haley with a suddenly sardonic smile.
“But!” Started Heidi. “What about his girlfriend? And what if I’m… A virgin?”
“Oh don’t worry about that!” Said Haley. “This still isn’t sexual! So it’s not cheating, and you’ll still be a virgin! Just picture it as an ultra stress reducing, pleasure filled inner-vaginal massage.”
“Huh…” Said Heidi looking down at the massive dick she had come to really enjoy. She traces her fingers up and down it contemplatively. “I really like his dick, and it is why you got it for me… Okay.” She said with a smile.
And without another word Brady threw her back so she landed on the couch partway on her boyfriend. She gasped and giggled in shock and delight at he lifted up her skirt. Pausing to rub his thumb over the middle of her black panties she let out a delighted gasp.
He then grabbed her panties and yanked them down to reveal an ultra tiny, clean shaved pussy that rivaled even Wanbli’s.
Curious, Brady then grabbed her ankles lifting her upside down only her head resting on Danny’s leg. Her skirt fell upside down revealing a perfect ass.
“Ahhhhhh!” She squealed in delight as he requested John and Jackson hold her ankles so he could inspect her more thoroughly.
“Thick thighs. Bubbly, firm ass.” He said with a pop spanking her firmly. “There no doubt your body is small, but it was made to be fucked by my dick.” Claimed Brady as he took her ankles and lowered her back onto the couch. Brady grabbed her skirt, her only remaining article of clothing and pulled it off. Heidi’s nakedness was now on full display for the party to enjoy.
Heidi stared up at the wielder of her gift wildly, she bit her lip sensually, and reached out for his dick to pull him close and rubbed it on her pussy.
Brady then grabbed his dick from her grips and rubbed the tip more firmly onto Heidi’s pussy causing her to moan and squirm. Brady started pushing, but couldn’t quite fit it.
“This pussy just might be tighter than Wanbli’s…” He thought to himself.
Looking up at the girl’s beautiful face that he was about to stick his dick in he struggled to remember her name.
“Hey.” He said to Danny whose lap was currently occupied by Heidi’s head. “What’s this bitch’s name again?”
Danny just stared at him furiously.
“Hey hey hey man.” Responded Brady still working his cock around the moaning girl’s pussy. “I don’t need to know her name either way. It’s not like I’m going to have sex with her.”
“Really?..” Said Danny with a flash of hope looking down at his squirming girlfriend about to be taken before his eyes.
“No way. I’m going to fuck her senseless all fucking night.” He said thrusting his hips forward finally breaking into the beautiful foreign girl’s tiny pussy.
Heidi let out a guttural scream that even caused Brady to pause his onslaught with only the tip in her remarkably tiny hole.
Everyone in the room looked at her concerned as her chest heaved. They could visibly see her heart beating.
“No!” She gasped eyes wide. “Keep going.” She pleaded with tears forming in her eyes.
That was all Brady needed. He shoved his cock deeper and deeper, amazed that the small girl was taking it so well. She was screaming, and someone next door probably had called the cops, but she wanted more.
Brady’s dick had never felt better. Heidi’s pussy was impossibly tight. He knew he’d cream way sooner than he’d like if he didn’t distract himself.
“Hey man don’t worry.” Brady said to Danny. “I know it looks bad, but she’s so wet that I’m able to just slide in.” He went in deeper and deeper.
Brady reached down and grabbed one of her jiggling breasts. “Man you should feel one of these sometime. They’re awesome.” Brady berated the long defeated Danny. The couch rocking on the uneven hardwood floor. “I’d suggest fucking her too, but unless you’re a horse there’s no way you’re gonna feel this pussy when I’m done with it.”
Brady started rocking his hips, in and out of the sexy girl laid before him.
She reached up, her fingers tracing down his chubby body. As she gasped for air after every pump into her tiny hole.
Brady increased his speed, and was usually excellent at pacing, but when Heidi looked up at him and commanded through tears,
“Fuck me harder with that big fat American dick!”
All bets were off. Brady picked up Heidi’s waist and gripped her ass, and fucked her as hard, and fast, and deep as he’d fucked anyone.
Heidi was nearly doing a backbend in her boyfriend’s lap. She almost couldn’t take it. She screamed and clawed, especially for the last 10 seconds. The sheer magnitude of force being applied by a dick of that mass, to a pussy of that volume defied physics.
Brady came hard inside of Heidi. She threw her head back in cataclysmic orgasm. The purest joy swept across her naked body.
“Wow.” Said Haley.
Brady looked around the room almost shocked to find it full of awe inspired people.
“I’ve never seen you cum that fast… Ever…” Said Haley.
“Her pussy was just too good.” Responded Brady. “You did well.” He said with a wink at Haley.
“Is it done?..” Asked a Heidi that looked like she just woke of from a dream half aware of reality.
“Oh no.” Said Brady. “Your gift is going to fuck you all night.”
“Okay.” She said with a stupid happy smile on her face letting her head fall back into her boyfriend’s lap.
“You guys can take my room for the rest of the night. Danny I’ll set you up a pallet on the floor next to the bed.” Said Haley.
As she left her room Haley heard faint sobs coming from the floor as Heidi was sucking on her gift priming it for a second fucking.
As she walked down the hallway everyone was still in the living room sitting in shock.
“I really can’t believe that worked.” Said Destiny still half naked.
“Just congratulations.” Said Jackson.
“You are the luckiest bitch I know.” Said John.
One week earlier.
“I win!” Yelled Brady. “Oh my god! That’s a double triple… I finally get to fuck you!” He yelled across the table at a small Haley who was quickly losing her bubbliness.
“Oh no…” Said Destiny reaching out to take her friend’s hand.
“Well that’s that.” Said Jackson. “As much as it pains me to say. Haley you now must fuck Brady or leave our games forever, leaving your token behind to be destroyed.”
“… Wait.” Said Haley a sudden hope in her eye. I invoke the right I have as a virgin to attempt to find a substitute."
“Oh that’ll never work.” Said John. “Have you seen his dick?”
“Alright, but if you can’t find a substitute by next week I’m going to fuck you like I wanted to the second I saw you, I’m going to fuck you harder than I’ve ever fucked anyone. I swear.” He said domineeringly. “Or you could just fuck me now and I’ll be nice?”
Haley shook her head no.
“Then that’s that.” Said Jackson. “Your week starts now.”
“Destiny?” She turned to her friend.
“Fuck no! Besides Jackson would be pissed! Sorry babe. I’ll help in anyway I can, but I like my pussy in a shape my regular dick boyfriend can enjoy.”
“Worth a try.” She said contemplatively as she stood up to go for a walk.
Present day.
“I just can’t believe she went for it so hard.” Said Mackenzie. “Poor girl’s going to be attached to that monster dick the rest of her life. No way Danny or most of anyone’s going to please her now.”
Haley walked back down the hallway to check on her new friend she had recently sent to her blissful doom.
She peaked in the door and saw Heidi riding Brady’s dick reverse cowgirl. Her hair was down, and her tits were bouncing free as she repeatedly stuffed her pussy with way more dick than a girl or her size should ever experience. It was hot. She looked to the left and saw that Danny was now sitting up watching them intently. She looked closely and it became apparent he was masturbating.
“Sorry guys.” She whispered walking away. “But better you than me.”