Controversial AI art piece from 2022 lacks human authorship required for registration.

  • drewdarko
    11 year ago

    In other words they require exponentially more input because the AI doesn’t know what it is looking at.

    It uses its perfect recollection of that input to create a ‘model’ of what a face should look like and stores that model like a collage of all the samples and then uses that to reproduce a face.

    It’s perfect recollection with an extra step.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Well, what you described is simply not a perfect recollection. It is many small tidbits of information that combined together can make a larger output.

      That’s exactly how our brains work too

      • drewdarko
        21 year ago

        If our brains worked exactly the same as AI programming then AI wouldn’t be needed because it would be no different than how we are doing things without AI.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          I feel like you keep misrepresenting what I’m saying. Nowhere did I say that our brains work completely and exactly the same as AI. However, we do learn in much the same way. By amortizing small amounts of information and drawing connections between them