Because- lemmy needs more participation, here is my deal.

Sometime tomorrow, I will come back and check this thread. (Around noon-ish / lunch time CST), unless I get delayed. If so- then afternoon CST.

Edit- to give a few more choices.

I will give out a key, of your choice, for the top 5 highest voted comments (from the perspective of my instance).

If, there are multiple comments for the same game, only the winning / highest voted comment will be considered.

Obviously- the two which have the status of gifted, are unavailable. Have fun, good luck. If you win, I will reply under your comment. If you are skipped due to asking for something already claimed, I’ll also let you know that.

Will send keys in a PM. (Hopefully- those work on here)

You are allowed to say, “I’ll take anything” in which case, I will go in order, left to right, then top to bottom, and non-randomly give you the first one that pops up.

Edit- Done!

Giveaway #2 is up here:

  • @Ganbat
    12 years ago

    Thanks, but honestly, I’m just not that lucky. You should’ve seen my SteamGifts ratio back when I was on the site.

    • HTTP_404_NotFoundOP
      22 years ago

      I did a few on reddit… but, it… wasn’t enjoyable.

      Had to follow 5,000 different rules to post. And, people wouldn’t even have the common courtesy to give an upvote. lol

      • @Ganbat
        12 years ago

        I know what you mean, I stopped doing giveaways on SteamGifts because I started having users not mark the games as received, which negatively impacted me directly, and even caught one reselling a game I’d given them.

        • HTTP_404_NotFoundOP
          12 years ago

          I didn’t have that particular issue- mostly because I only did one or two on steamgifts.

          Between people not even being able to return an upvote- combined with the strict rules of the sub- Well… Lets just say- all of these games have been just chilling in my humble bundle for years.