• @[email protected]
    -1710 months ago

    “most likely”? So basically there’s zero success stories from people who started in their garage and made a multi-billion empire? Go check how Google and Apple started. No one is stopping you from doing something great and becoming a billionaire other than your delusion of entitlement to free money and work from others.

    • @[email protected]
      1510 months ago
      • @[email protected]
        1210 months ago

        The simple fact that Gates’ school even HAD a computer HE COULD RESERVE TIME ON for a personal project really highlights how much wealth he had access to. Gates was never super rich growing up, but he and the rest had access to privileges few had in those days because of the wealth they had access to.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        Even if they truly started the business from modest means, they still benefited from living in a strong stable educated society with all the resources and infrastructure etc that provides. There’s a reason you don’t see many entrepreneurs from sub Saharan Africa.

      • @[email protected]
        -1910 months ago

        There are videos out there showing this, so, don’t believe the bullshit you read online to rile you up.

        And in fact, if your sources on company success is random articles online, you do deserve to stay poor. Mission accomplished.

          • @[email protected]
            -1410 months ago

            Because rich people don’t cry on social media “the world is not fair, and I’m entitled to other people’s free labor because I’m a loser”. I have people around me from both sides of the aisle, and guess who complains like you are? Hint: It’s not those who have good jobs and rare skills they busted their asses to get.

            Videos: Off the top of my head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOtlSM9eehc

            • @[email protected]
              1010 months ago

              wtf are you even talking about?? when did I ever say anything like what you said?? I said that the myth that google and apple started in a garage is fake. That’s it. Get the fuck out of your head and learn to read.

              And you criticize my sources and provide a video without them.Really smart guy move.

              • Blue
                710 months ago

                Men these “libertarians, rugged individualist, free market” are fuckin retarded

              • @[email protected]
                -1010 months ago

                Well, you can physically SEE THE FUCKING GARAGE. You’ll believe some text over your own eyes?

                Getting funding doesn’t mean it’s not a garage. Facebook started in a house in SF and before that it was in a freaking dorm, and got funding later. So what?! Does that mean it didn’t start in a dorm room?

                Yeah, go believe whatever makes you happy to believe that you’re a loser no matter what. Believe that.

                • @[email protected]
                  10 months ago

                  you better work on your reading comprehension my guy or is that not a valuable skill?

                  “They had funding from multiple people but they started in a garage!! So anyone can do it!”

                  We just need funding, parents with money or connections and going back to before the internet was widespread to make it, got it

                  Also, nice of you to not even backpedaling on calling me poor just cause your stupid ass is too stupid to read properly

                  • @[email protected]
                    -710 months ago

                    If you know anything about today’s economy you’ll see how to get money from VCs, thanks to all the money printing and inflation. But you’re so ignorant you can’t recognize that. Go read a book on VC funding, but I guess you’re too busy complaining on social media.

                    And no, I’m not backpedaling. You’re either poor or too young with rich parents you don’t understand basic reality and think you’re helping with your stupid, uneducated ideas.

    • @[email protected]
      1110 months ago

      Google began as a research project at Stanford and was funded by over a million dollars from stanford people and family of the founders. The guy who wrote the code wasn’t part of the founding.

      Idk much about apple other than the guy who designed the apple 1 wanted to give away the schematics because it came from his time at a computer club but the other guy said no.

      • @[email protected]
        -1310 months ago

        Dude, google started in a garage. There was even a story about that lady Suzan who was the YouTube CEO and how she was part of that garage. There are videos out there from the 90s showing how it looked like. Stop making shit up! There are f-ing videos proving you wrong! It was in a garage.

          • @[email protected]
            -610 months ago

            So what, just because there are investors they didn’t start in a garage? Anyone with a good idea and a plan can get funding from VCs after booting up the idea.

            What’s wrong with you people? Seriously.

            What are you trying to prove exactly? That no one can start a company? Everyone can it costs pennies. No one can get funding with a good idea and hard work? Anyone can and everyone does and I’ve seen this with my own eyes (recently I saw two brothers get 8 million USD funding for a freaking dumb NFT project). That no one can succeed except with connections? Not true, and examples are everywhere, including big tech today. What’s the mission here exactly? Because the mission I see here is encouraging people to not even try and just be lazy because “there’s no point”.

            What am I trying to prove? I’m trying to prove that anyone working hard has a chance, but sitting your ass and being lazy will give you no chance.

            • @[email protected]
              510 months ago

              You said anyone could start a successful company with nothing and used google and apple as examples, using their onetime occupancy of garages to imply that they’re examples of companies starting from nothing.

              They’re not examples of people starting with nothing and the presence of garages doesn’t change that fact.

              Why not use some different examples to prove your point?

              • @[email protected]
                -310 months ago

                Because you don’t know the personal examples I know. You can look up statistics of small businesses and startups and learn how to get funding. I think the average exit from a successful startup is in the 10s of millions USD after 5 years of work. It needs hard work, and it’s not easy, because no one is gonna invest in your project unless you’re dedicated. BUT, it’s totally possible and I’ve seen it tons of times. I’ve seen idiots get more than $15 million funding. Some fail, some succeed. In fact the majority fail, but while they’re failing they learn, and VCs have interest in investing because their expected returns based on statistics are higher than their investment on average.

                There’s so much work to be done before calling it quits, especially for someone who doesn’t know what a VC is and how it works.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -110 months ago

                    Would you like a copy of my passport too? Nice try.

                    And just in good faith I’ll tell you again: The internet is flooded with stats on startups. You don’t need to dox me here to get that information.

    • @[email protected]
      810 months ago

      Even those people needed others’ work to start their own company my dude. The chips in Apple computers or servers that Google relied on didn’t grow on trees. Not to mention that the billionaires you mentioned were educated.

      Guess who funded their education. Either directly or indirectly.

      • @[email protected]
        -1010 months ago

        You’re not gonna convince anyone here that you lack the resources to start a company in your bed room. You’re just lazy and you don’t want to work. It’s that simple.

        Evidence? Tons of millionaires don’t even have college degree.

        • @[email protected]
          710 months ago

          How many of those millionaires contribute something positive to the world? There are some who’ve made systems to automatically reset power breakers on distribution lines, automate management of water flow to large farms, etc.

          Then there are morons like you who sell pillows filled with low quality foam out of their garage.

          • @[email protected]
            -410 months ago

            And who decides whether it’s positive… you? You, Mr. Loser on lemmy who wants to quantify value, not based on people’s valuation for it, who freaking paid for it, but based on whatever standard gives you free money so that you don’t feel like such a loser serving coffee in Starbucks? Get out of here!

            • @[email protected]
              110 months ago

              Uh, moron, look up the difference between “quantify” and “qualify”. You’ve swapped them, but I’m not surprised.

              Anyway yeah, in discussions with a large number of people across different walks of life, the important things in life seem to be clean running water, quality food and the ability to make positive change in the world we had no choice being born into.

              What is positive change? Slightly nebulous, but it seems to center on making people around them happier and have an easier life. Money doesn’t seem to factor into that, it’s more about “quality” of life. Wouldn’t you want that for your friends and family too?