Fully Charged in Just 6 Minutes – Groundbreaking Technique Could Revolutionize EV Charging::Typically, it takes around 10 hours to charge an electric vehicle. Even with fast-charging techniques, you’re still looking at a minimum of 30 minutes – and that’s if there’s an open spot at a charging station. If electric vehicles could charge as swiftly as we refill traditional gas vehicles, it wo

  • zoe
    01 year ago

    so u like to pay more for a thing that isn’t worth its price 🤡 ? idk about u but either way i dont like to be cucked by overpaying for stuff that aren’t worth the exact amount + a reasonable amount of profit. i didnt bring up capitalism but u did, and yea i hate it

    • Flying Squid
      11 year ago

      It doesn’t matter what I’d like. The world doesn’t revolve around what I like or what you like. So if you want a car, it won’t last 30 years and you’ll be paying premiums for features you want. That’s just how the world works. I’m sorry you want it to work differently, but there’s no incentive for car companies to change what works for them.

      • zoe
        01 year ago

        why a car shouldnt last 30 years ? if u avoid driving it in salt to avoid chassis corrosion and not overall crash it, the rest should stay the same: glass is glass, tires will always be tires, and the rest is just oem parts, that could be either manufactured by oem or outsourced to thrid party to support the car platform. else replacing cars each 10 years is a massive waste (especially from an energy standpoint: the amount of energy needed to smolder the iron and cast it, wielding, etc…, quick disposal of cars isn’t eco friendly really)

        • Flying Squid
          11 year ago

          Because companies want you to buy more cars. They don’t care about waste or being eco-friendly. Why would they? They care about making money. None of what you are suggesting makes them more money. It would make them less.

          • zoe
            01 year ago

            man if an EV isnt supposed to be eco friendly idk what should be… Humanity isn’t eco friendly either…Boy Elon want to turn a profit on his toy cars, why not ? at least price them fairly or dont produce low specced products. If anything, consolidating traffic by using public transport like busses and trains is really whats good for the environment. but sometimes one wants to indulge in a private ride without the noise and the bustle. anyway…

            • Flying Squid
              11 year ago

              Do you really think Elon Musk cares about the environment? Do you think he wants his cars to last 30 years or less than 10? Which will allow him to sell more cars?

              • zoe
                01 year ago

                no one would want that. but anyway i wont be buying a tesla anytime soon. glad the chinese are catching up. they would gladly build reliable cars that would last, especially when multiple manufacturers start competing over markets. europeans are still stuck for now. with enough manufacturers there will be cars that last 30 years…but for now its only Elon’s playground