• @[email protected]
    6810 months ago

    My father was kind of a low level fixer in California politics.

    He tended to vote Republican but regarded Reagan as a marginally literate moron.

    After Reagantard reached the presidency in 1980, part of his obscene transfer of wealth to the rich brought on taxation of some of social security income.

    One day I was talking to my father and kind out of nowhere he said, “Fuck Ronald Reagan.”

    I don’t think anyone in the family voted RepubliKKKlan after that. For a lot of reasons. One of those reasons was his refusal to treat the rise of AIDS seriously.

    • PugJesus
      3310 months ago

      Smart family. If only more in this country were capable of seeing the slow-motion disaster happening in front of our eyes.

      • @WaxedWookie
        810 months ago

        That’s the problem with the modern GOP - it’s not compatible with having brains or principles.

        …but if you like perpetually terrified dumb, bigoted culture war nonsense, have I got a bridge to sell you.

        • @[email protected]
          410 months ago

          The GOP has been braindead my entire adult lifetime… So over 30 years AT LEAST. Some would argue it goes further back than that.

          • @WaxedWookie
            310 months ago

            I personally think they went through a meaningful shift from being evil but effective in their own way (in advancing their own agenda not in solving actual problems) to transparently stupid, and - genuinely unhinged Jewish space lasers, nuking tornadoes, drinking bleach, buying Greenland, and staring directly into the sun.

            They’ve gone from cynically exploiting culture war nonsense to advance class war to believing their propaganda and losing the plot - I think the rise of the tea party was the inflection point.

    • @[email protected]
      610 months ago

      I get that we are both if a certain age but can you please consider not using terms related to retardation when you mean stupid?

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        I feel like Americans online throw this word around a lot more than anyone else. It’s absolutely not an acceptable word to use here (UK) and I can’t remember the last time I heard anyone use it.

        • @[email protected]
          410 months ago

          In 2008 while railing against political correctness Sarah Palin, the dipshit republican vice presidential candidate, popularized the idea that it wasn’t ok to use retarded as an insult.

          Do brits still use spaz/spastic?

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            I haven’t heard anyone use those words for many years, no doubt there’s still people that do though.

        • kajib
          1010 months ago

          It’s about being respectful. Using someone’s condition they can’t control as a descriptor is (at least in my opinion) disrespectful.

          • PugJesus
            710 months ago

            I mean, in a broad sense we can’t really control any aspect of ourselves. We live in a deterministic universe. The real reason to stop using ‘retard’ and related terms is because of how vilely they’ve been used in relatively recent history to denigrate people with genuine mental disabilities.