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Can anybody tell me if there’s a way to tell chatGPT to fuck off and stop scraping my data?
Stop posting shit on the internet?
Of course! Why didn’t I think of that 30 years ago?
Not really. Sites can block ChatGPT crawler, but for invidiual users whose data is stored on 3rd party sites is out of luck. You would need to ask those sites directly to remove your data so that ChatGPT would have nothing to scrape.
How disturbingly distopian.
You can thank people indifference towards digital privacy for enabling this dystopia.
Have you noticed how the people who control the flow of information benefit the most from this indifference? Almost as if the amount of information about it isn’t in proportion to the severity of the subject.
Of course. Every serious issue we are facing links back to capitalism.
That’s not what dystopian means.
Interesting. What does it mean?
I did some research and I think you are leaning towards the “imaginary” part which I was unaware of. Although there are a number of definitions that do seem to fit the way I used it. From what I can tell it can be used for both. If you disagree please let me know 👍
It depends on what data do you believe chatgpt is scraping. What data are you worried about in particular and where do you live? (these info are needed to give you suggestions in case)
I’m not worried specifically. I’m worried my interests and text from the past will be leveraged against me if and when I am forced to interact with a ChatBot. Assuming there’s a rich profile that has everything from eye tracking in Vr, wearables, YouTube, Facebook, twitter history/interests etc. I don’t want have a fucking team of psychologists with a detailed profile along with fucking supercomputers attacking me with perfect and convincing communication trying to sell me shit and vote in particular ways of who ever is driving them.
Currently it can potentially scrape only from data you published that are directly linked to your name, such as Twitter conversations.
Post shared on Facebook and Instagram should be safe.
LinkedIn I am not sure, tbh.
Public blogs are a problem… But in general, it can access less data than a research engine.
If you are worried about your data and you are in Europe, you can use the “right to be forgotten”, asking websites to remove your data. Outside of Europe, companies are not forced to do so, afaik, but many do it
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